出席会议的语言测试机构有全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会,台湾语言培训与测试中心(LTTC),台湾大学入学考试中心(CEEC),香港考试局(HKEAA),韩国英语语言测试研究会(KELTRA)以及日本英语检定协会(STEP)。会议还特邀了国际著名语言测试专家Lyle Bachman教授和Liz Hamp-Lyons教授在会上作主题报告。此外,英国文化委员会(British Council),天津考试院以及清华大学外语系测试小组等机构的代表也应邀出席了本次学术会议。
The 7th International Conference on English Language Testing in Asia was held in Shanghai Jiaotong University on the 11th and 12th of December, 2004. The theme of the conference, hosted by the National College English Testing Committee of China, was ‘Reform in Language Testing: Meeting the Ever-Changing Needs of Society’.
Participants of the conference were mainly language testing professionals from various testing organizations in several countries and areas in Asia, including mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Japan. Internationally reknowned language testing specialists like Professor Lyle Bachman from the UCLA in the US and Professor Liz Hamp-Lyons from the University of Melbourne made keynote speeches at the conference. Ideas were exchanged with respect to the theories and practices in language testing reform in these countries and areas during the two-day conference.