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    Crimean Premier Says Ukrainian Military Units Have Started to Surrender


    SIMFEROPOL, Ukraine — The prime minister of Crimea, the autonomous Ukrainian republic seized by Russian military forces, said Tuesday that most Ukrainian military units on the Crimean Peninsula had surrendered and pledged allegiance to his pro-Russian government, and that local officials were working to speed up a referendum on independence from Ukraine.


    Speaking at a news conference on Tuesday morning, Prime Minister Sergei Aksyonov said that Crimean officials were in control of the security situation, even as standoffs continued between Russian forces and Ukrainian troops at several military installations, including at a base near the Belbek airport, near Sevastopol.

    克里米亚总理谢尔盖·阿克肖诺夫(Sergei Aksyonov)在周二上午的新闻发布会上表示,克里米亚官员已经掌控了安全局势,即便俄罗斯军队与乌克兰士兵仍在几个军事基地对峙,其中包括塞瓦斯托波尔贝尔贝克机场(Belbek)附近的一个基地。

    “There is no safety threat to human life in Crimea,” Mr. Aksyonov said.


    In Kiev, the Ukrainian Defense Ministry flatly denounced the assertion of defections. “This information is false,” the ministry said in a statement, adding: “All the Ukrainian military units, formations and warships stay in their permanent locations. Ukraine’s military controls the territories of their military posts.”

    在基辅,乌克兰国防部(Defense Ministry)断然谴责了叛变的说法。国防部发表声明称,“消息是假的。”声明还称,“所有乌克兰部队、编队和军舰都在坚守岗位。乌克兰军事哨所所在区域都在乌克兰军队的掌控之中。”

    It was not possible to independently verify Mr. Aksyonov’s claims, and even he did not assert that all military units were now aligned with his administration. Yet the Defense Ministry’s blanket denial — “all of the servicemen serve the Ukrainian people and do not even consider the proposals to defect” — was dubious as well.


    Over the weekend, the Ukrainian Navy’s chief of staff, Denis Berezovsky, publicly announced his defection. Some security installations, such as outposts of the federal border police, that do not fall within the Defense Ministry now appear to be under the control of the Crimean authorities.

    上周末,乌克兰海军司令丹尼斯·别列佐夫斯基(Denis Berezovsky)公开宣布叛变。目前,联邦边防警察哨所等不隶属于国防部的安全机构似乎处于克里米亚政府的控制之下。

    At the same time, Ukrainian armed forces continued to face off against the pro-Russia soldiers who have surrounded or blocked military installations throughout Crimea. Mr. Aksyonov said he believed that enough soldiers were loyal to him to eliminate the threat of an armed insurrection.


    Anatoly Dekusarov, 47, who was among a crowd of Simferopol residents that gathered in support of the Russian soldiers, said he felt safer having the soldiers deployed. “I am standing for my independence,” Mr. Dekusarov said. “I am standing for our freedom.”

    47岁的辛菲罗波尔居民阿纳托利·德库萨洛夫(Anatoly Dekusarov)与其他一些人聚集在一起支持俄罗斯士兵。他表示,有俄罗斯士兵驻守,他感觉更安全。“我要捍卫我的独立,”德库萨洛夫说,“我要捍卫我们的自由。”

    He said the interim government in Kiev, led by the acting prime minister, Arseniy P. Yatsenyuk, was conspiring with the United States, which he said wanted the Russian Navy base in Sevastopol and other assets. “Kiev sold Ukraine to America,” Mr. Dekusarov said. “Yatsenyuk sold Crimea to Obama.”

    他表示,由代理总理阿尔谢尼·P·亚采纽克(Arseniy P. Yatsenyuk)领导的过渡政府与美国串通一气。他还说,美国想要攫取俄罗斯在塞瓦斯托波尔的海军基地及其他资产。“基辅将乌克兰卖给了美国,”他说。“亚采纽克将克里米亚卖给了奥巴马。”

    Mr. Aksyonov, who heads a political party called Russian Unity, was installed as the head of the Crimean regional administration last Thursday after armed men seized the Parliament building and raised the Russian flag.

    在武装人员攻占议会大楼并升起俄罗斯国旗之后,阿克肖诺夫于上周四就任克里米亚地区政府的领导人。他领导的政党名为俄罗斯团结党(Russian Unity)。

    He said a referendum on independence from Ukraine, scheduled for March 30, would probably be held sooner, but he offered no details. He also said that he had not been in contact with Viktor F. Yanukovych, the ousted president of Ukraine, who fled to Russia but has said he plans to return.

    他表示,克里米亚原定于3月30日就脱离乌克兰举行公投,公投可能会提前举行,但他没有提供相关细节。他还表示,他与遭到罢黜的乌克兰总统维克托·F·亚努科维奇(Viktor F. Yanukovych)没有联系。亚努科维奇已经逃到了俄罗斯,但表示自己计划返回乌克兰。

    Even as Mr. Aksyonov sought to press ahead with the referendum, the new government in Kiev began taking legal steps on Tuesday aimed at stopping Crimea’s push toward independence, opening yet another front in the conflict with the regional officials here. A district court in Kiev invalidated Mr. Aksyonov’s appointment as prime minister hours after receiving a request by the acting prosecutor general, Oleh Maknitskyi.

    阿克肖诺夫希望推进公投,基辅的新政府却于周二开始采取旨在阻止克里米亚寻求独立的法律步骤,由此在与克里米亚官员的冲突当中开辟了又一条战线。收到代理检察长奥莱尔·马格尼茨基(Oleh Maknitskyi)的请求几小时后,基辅的一个区法院判定,任命阿克肖诺夫担任总理的决定无效。

    The prosecutor’s office said the court had invalidated a vote by the Crimean Parliament last week that dismissed the regional government and installed a new council of ministers led by Mr. Aksyonov.


    Mr. Yatsenyuk, the acting prime minister, said the government hoped to mend Ukraine’s relationship with Russia, even as it moved to sign political and trade agreements with the European Union.

    代理总理亚采纽克说,政府希望修复乌克兰与俄罗斯的关系。与此同时,乌克兰新政府正准备与欧盟(European Union)签订政治和贸易协议。

    “Ukraine is ready to rebuild a new style of relations with Russia, where Russia respects the sovereign right of Ukraine on its choice of foreign policy vector,” Mr. Yatsenyuk said during a briefing in Parliament.


    The Kremlin, however, is unlikely to accept Ukraine’s moving closer to Europe, in part because of concerns that the country would eventually join NATO. Underscoring the role of the alliance, the government of Turkey, a NATO member, said Tuesday that it had sent eight F-16 fighter jets in response to a Russian surveillance plane that was flying along the Black Sea coast. Turkey is just across the Black Sea from Crimea.


    In Crimea, a long caravan of cars drove through Simferopol throughout Tuesday, many with a slogan written on their rear windshields saying, “Against the Lying Mass Media.” Supporters who cheered the caravan said the message was aimed at the Ukrainian news media in Kiev that was reporting on so-called pro-Russia extremists in Crimea.


    While President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, making his first public statements on the developments in Crimea, denied the involvement of Russian troops here, many of the vehicles transporting soldiers on the peninsula have Russian military license plates. Unofficial vehicle checkpoints have also been established throughout Crimea, often with the red, blue and white Russian flag flying over the barricades, though their purpose was not clear. The people operating the checkpoints say they are providing security.

    首次就克里米亚局势发表公共演讲的时候,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·V·普京(Vladimir V. Putin)否认俄罗斯军队曾插手当地事宜,尽管如此,许多在克里米亚半岛上运送士兵的车辆都挂着俄罗斯的军方车牌。此外,克里米亚各处都设立了非官方的车辆检查站,路障上往往悬挂着红蓝白三色的俄罗斯国旗,虽然它们的目的尚不明确。检查站负责人说,他们是在保证安全。

    At a base near the Belbek airport, several hundred Ukrainian and pro-Russia forces were in a standoff on Tuesday that had begun overnight. Although the Russian forces fired warning shots, the dispute ended with no violence or injuries, and some of the Ukrainians were able to take up their positions, staffing guard posts at the airfield.


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