Sina allegedly published as many as 20 obscene articles in its reading channel and posted four Internet audiovisual programs spreading obscene information, said Shen Rui, director of the Internet law enforcement department under the Beijing Cultural Market Administrative Enforcement Bureau.
新浪因涉嫌传播obscene information(淫秽信息)拟被吊销《互联网出版许可证》和《信息网络传播视听节目许可证》,并停止从事Internet publication and audio and video dissemination(互联网出版和网络传播视听节目)。
作为国内大型的Internet portal(门户网站)之一,新浪网发布的色情文章和视频造成了严重的负面社会影响,部分从这些淫秽内容中获取巨额利益的人员可能将面临life imprisonment(终身监禁)和confiscation of personal property(没收个人财产)的处罚。