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    Watering Cans: A Garden of Delights


    Fall is an important time for gardens. “You’re cleaning up and preparing for the spring, as well as preparing the garden for winter,” said Camilla Hammer, a garden designer and urban farmer. But you also have to continue tending gardens planted earlier in the year, like the one that she and Julia Sherman, the author of the blog Salad for President, created on the roof of MoMA PS1, which is still going strong.

    秋天是打理花园的大好时机。“你得做一番清理工作,为来年春天做准备,还得让这座花园准备好过冬,” 花园设计师兼都市务农者卡米拉·哈默(Camilla Hammer)说。但你还得继续照料年初就开垦出来的花园,就像她与“为总统做色拉(Salad for President)”博客的作者朱莉娅·谢尔曼(Julia Sherman)一起,在MoMA PS1(美国最大的一家艺术机构——译注)屋顶上建造的那座经久不衰的花园一样。

    That garden has a drip irrigation system but is supplemented by water delivered the old-fashioned way: with watering cans.




    Watering cans refresh plants the old-fashioned way, in a variety of styles.


    When choosing a watering can, Ms. Hammer said, it’s important to consider the type of plant you’re tending and where it lives. For houseplants, she suggested a can with a short, focused nozzle, but for a row of seeds outdoors, she said, you need one with a rose nozzle, which has tiny perforations that create a spray to mimic rain.


    She demonstrated both in the large outdoor space at Sprout Home, in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, filled with a variety of plants that have different watering needs. Ms. Hammer, 26, who named her garden design firm Hammer Thyme Gardens, surprised this reporter by selecting a traditional can with an English rose pattern.

    在布鲁克林的威廉斯堡区(Williamsburg),她在斯普劳特馆(Sprout Home)的大型户外场所展示了这两种水壶的用法,那里种植着对水量有不同需求的各类植物。今年刚刚26岁的哈默,将其花园设计公司取名为“哈默百里香花园(Hammer Thyme Gardens)”,用一把带有英式玫瑰图案的传统水壶,让本文记者大开了眼界。

    “This is a classic with an updated print,” she said. “It would be great for a small home garden in an outdoor space. But not for houseplants, because it has a nozzle at the end and the water could spray everywhere; for that, you’d want a more direct spout.”


    The dual-action watering can by Pascal Charmolu for Born in Sweden, which she found online at A & R, had that, as well as a roselike alternative and an unusual bottom grip, all in a single modern package. “It is clear the designer really thought about how this would work,” Ms. Hammer said, praising its functionality.

    她在A & R网店里发现的一款有双重作用的洒水壶,是帕斯卡尔·查莫罗(Pascal Charmolu)为瑞典博恩公司(Born)设计的。这把水壶有一款玫瑰花状的可替换壶嘴,和一个不寻常的底部盛水装置,都归集在一个现代套装里。“很明显,这位设计师的确思考过洒水壶的工作方式,”哈默说,她对这把水壶的功能性赞赏有加。

    She also liked the Fleur watering can by André Stocker for Auerhahn, which she found online at Connox, and thought it would be a good choice for city gardeners without much space. “Why would you ever put this away?” she said. “It’s beautiful.”

    她还喜欢由安德烈·斯托克(André Stocker)为奥威公司(Auerhahn)设计的那把弗勒(Fleur)洒水壶,这是她在Connox的网店里发现的。她觉得,对于那些空间有限的城市园艺者来说,这款洒水壶应该是个不错的选择。“你怎么会将这把洒水壶收起来呢?”她说,“它多漂亮啊。”

    For succulents, ferns, orchids and other air plants, she suggested a glass plant mister that she found online at Terrain, which “mimics the humidity in the air.”

    至于那些多肉植物、蕨类植物、兰科植物与其它附生植物(air plants),她建议使用一款她在Terrain网站上发现的玻璃植物喷雾器。这款壶“可以模仿空气中的湿度。”

    But the OXO Outdoor Pour & Store may have gotten the highest marks for its ultra-functional features. Novices may not appreciate things like the removable rose, rotating spout, reinforced grip or measurement markings on the body, she said, but they all appealed to her perfectionist side.

    但是,有一把OXO Outdoor Pour & Store洒水壶,由于其极为实用的种种特征,可以打一个最高分。新手们可能不会喜欢诸如可摘除式玫瑰喷嘴、旋转式喷头、加固式手柄,或壶身上的装水量刻度之类的东西,她说,但他们都很迷恋她追求尽善尽美的那一面。

      上一篇:联合国警告应对气候变化迫在眉睫 下一篇:家,为人所用,而非为物所累


