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    ISIS Video Purports to Prove Execution of American Aid Worker


    GAZIANTEP, Turkey — The Islamic State released a video early Sunday showing a black-clad executioner standing over the severed head of what they claim is a 26-year-old American aid worker and former Army Ranger who disappeared over a year ago at a checkpoint in northern Syria while delivering medical supplies.

    土耳其加齐安泰普——伊斯兰国(The Islamic State)周日早些时候发布一个视频,显示一名身穿黑衣的刽子手两脚分开站在一个砍下的人头旁,视频声称被斩首的是26岁的美国援助工作者,他曾在美国陆军游骑兵团服役,一年多前向叙利亚北部运送医疗用品时在一个检查站失踪。

    The footage — which has not been independently verified — is significantly different from those of four other hostage executions the militants have filmed. Unlike the killing of James Foley and others, the actual death of the former Ranger Peter Kassig, is not shown. And he is not made to deliver a final message. The camera pans across the boots of the hooded killer. Between his feet, you see a decapitated head, blood smearing the cheek.

    这段尚未得到独立证实的视频与这些武装分子曾经拍摄的杀害其他4名人质的片子有很大不同。不像以前被杀的詹姆斯·弗利(James Foley)和其他人,视频没有显示前陆军游骑兵彼得·卡西格(Peter Kassig)被杀的实际过程。也没有让他传递一条最后遗言。摄像机从蒙面杀手的一只靴子摇摄到另一只靴子。在他的两脚之间,你看到一个砍下来的人头,脸颊被血涂染。

    “This is Peter Edward Kassig, a U.S. citizen of your country. Peter, who fought against the Muslims in Iraq while serving as a soldier under the American Army doesn’t have much to say. His previous cellmates have already spoken on his behalf. But we say to you, Obama,” says the British-accented fighter who has appeared in previous beheading videos and has been nicknamed Jihadi John by the British press. “You claim to have withdrawn from Iraq four years ago. We said to you then that you are liars.”

    视频中一个带英国口音的武装分子说,“这是彼得·爱德华·卡西格,你们美国的公民。彼得曾服役于美国军队,在伊拉克与穆斯林作战,他没有什么好说的。他以前的狱友已经替他说过了。但是,我们要对你们说,奥巴马,你声称四年前就已从伊拉克撤军。我们那时就对你说过,你们是骗子。”该英国口音的人也曾出现在以前的斩首录像中,英国媒体给他起的绰号是“圣战约翰”(Jihadi John)。

    Mr. Kassig was based in Gaziantep, this city in southern Turkey roughly one hour from the Syrian border, last year, where he ran a small aid group dedicated to helping victims of Syria’s civil war. He was abducted on Oct. 1, 2013, on his way to Deir al-Zour, Syria. Initially held separately, he was transferred late last year to a prison beneath the basement of the Children’s Hospital in Aleppo, and then to a network of jails in Raqqa, the capital of the extremist group’s self-declared caliphate. He was one of at least 23 Western hostages held by the group, and his cellmates included Mr. Foley, as well as the American freelance journalist Steven J. Sotloff, who were beheaded in late summer.

    卡西格去年曾住在距离叙利亚边境约有一小时路程的土耳其南部城市加济安泰普,他在那里开办了一个致力于帮助叙利亚内战受害者的小型援救机构。 2013年10月1日,他在前往叙利亚戴尔泽尔的途中被绑架。他最初被单独关押,去年年底被转移到用阿勒颇儿童医院地下室改造成的监狱中,后来被关押在拉卡市几个不同的监狱中,拉卡是该极端组织自我宣告成立的哈里发国的首都。他是被该极端组织绑架的至少23西方人质之一,他的狱友包括弗利、以及美国自由记者史蒂芬·J·索托洛夫(Steven J. Sotloff),他们已在夏末被斩首。

    The hostages — especially the Americans — were repeatedly tortured, including through waterboarding, an abuse meant to mirror the treatment of Muslim detainees in Iraq at C.I.A. “black sites,” where several members of the Islamic State are believed to have been held. They were also repeatedly interrogated by their captors, who forced them to hand over the passwords to their Internet accounts; the militants scanned their emails, their Facebook timelines and their private chats for evidence of collusion with foreign governments.

    西方人质、尤其是美国人质曾多次遭受酷刑,包括水刑,这种虐待是为了回应被关押在美国中央情报局设在伊拉克的“黑牢”中的穆斯林所受的待遇,伊斯兰国的一些成员据信曾被关在黑牢。人质也多次被关押他们的人审讯,关押者强迫人质交出他们互联网帐户的密码;武装分子查阅了人质的电子邮件、 Facebook时间轴,以及他们的私人聊天记录,以寻找他们与外国政府勾结的证据。

    A European hostage who was released after his government paid a ransom described the moment their extremist captors discovered that Mr. Kassig was an Iraq war veteran: “One day, the guards burst in, and they said: ‘Peter?’ And he said, ‘Yes, sir,’” recalled the former hostage, who requested anonymity out of concerns for his safety. “And then the guard said, ‘Are you a soldier?’”


    There was a pause. And then Mr. Kassig answered, “Yes, sir,” said the former prisoner.


    A total of 15 of Mr. Kassig’s cellmates — all but one of them European — were released earlier this year after their governments, companies or families paid ransoms. The families of the American victims were initially told by American officials that they would be prosecuted if they tried to pay a ransom. Mr. Foley’s parents and younger brother have since given television interviews expressing frustration at how the United States government handled their son’s abduction, saying that the threat of prosecution caused them to lose valuable time — at the same moment that European countries were actively negotiating a dollar amount for their citizens who were prisoners.


    The footage purporting to be of Mr. Kassig’s severed head comes in the last moments of a 16-minute video tracing the history of the Islamic State, from its origins in Iraq as a unit under the control of Osama bin Laden to its modern-day incarnation in the region straddling Iraq and Syria. The black-hooded killer is shown conducting a mass beheading of captured Syrian soldiers, who are led out by the scruffs of their necks. Each fighter is shown grabbing a knife from a bowl. Then the victims are forced to kneel. They are beheaded at the same moment.


      上一篇:习近平澳大利亚报纸署名文章 下一篇:奥巴马严厉谴责ISIS斩首美国人质


