For years, Kevin Hertzog, a freelance set designer and prop stylist, was among those responsible for putting together the legendary Christmas room at Bergdorf Goodman.
凯文·赫佐格(Kevin Hertzog)是一名自由职业的布景师和道具师。多年来,波道夫·古德曼(Bergdorf Goodman,纽约最大的奢侈品百货商场——译注)布置的那些堪称传奇的圣诞屋,就有他的一份功劳。
“I’ve taken out the hot-glue gun and made many a wreath,” said Mr. Hertzog, 50. And not all of them typical holiday fare.

Kevin Hertzog, a set designer and stylist, looks for wreaths.
Some of his favorites, in fact, were decidedly nontraditional: “Moss, which is beautiful but not easy,” he said. “Pine cones mixed with dried pomegranates and all kinds of freeze-dried fruit. My personal preference is for magnolia, which is so chic and beautiful when it dries.”
It was a Todd Moore design made out of vintage ornaments that Bergdorf Goodman sold 15 years ago, he said, that introduced him to the possibilities. With that in mind, he set out to demonstrate to a reporter the virtues of the unconventional wreath.
赫佐格说,15年前,波道夫·古德曼销售了一件陶德·摩尔(Todd Moore)用古旧饰品制作的设计品。正是那件作品让他领略了不同的可能性。带着这个想法,他开始为记者展示非传统花环之美。
He began at Jamali Floral & Garden Supplies, a mecca for prop stylists on West 28th Street. On the second floor, surrounded by other Christmas décor, was a wreath made from what looked like multicolored vintage ornaments. “It’s the same structure as those wreaths Todd used to make,” he said. “But I imagine they’ve found a way to vintage-ize the ornaments, because $85 for this is insanely inexpensive.”
他的第一站是贾迈利花卉与园艺用品店(Jamali Floral & Garden Supplies)。这家店位于西28街,堪称道具师的圣地。在其二楼各式各样的圣诞装饰品当中,有一个花环是由看起来好像五颜六色的复古饰品的东西制成的。“它跟陶德以前做的那些花环结构相同,”赫佐格说,“不过我估计他们应该是通过某种方法,将这些饰品复古化了吧。因为这种东西卖85美元(约合人民币 523元),真是便宜得离谱。”
Online, at Terrain, he found a wreath made from eucalyptus leaves. “It’s a questionable material,” he said, “yet they’ve bleached it and put it in a wreath shape and now it looks super-chic. I would put a big red-velvet ribbon on top of it — it’s screaming out for it.”
He also thought the Vintermys wreath from Ikea, made of red ornaments and priced at just $17, would benefit from a little alteration. “Give it a light coating of spray mount,” he said, “cover the whole thing with red, pink or gold glitter, and you’re done.”
One of the most surprising wreaths, made entirely out of live succulents, was on the Pottery Barn website. “If succulents grow in those living walls, then why not in a wreath?” Mr. Hertzog said. “This could potentially live forever.”
最令人惊艳的花环之一,是在Pottery Barn在线商店里找到的。它完全由鲜活的多肉植物制成。“要是多肉植物能够生长在活体墙上,那它们为何不能生长在花环里呢?”赫佐格说,“这个花环可能永远都会是鲜活的。”