Facebook has revealed the biggest topics that have got its 1.3 billion users talking during 2014.
The World Cup was the most popular global topic on the social network, while the Scottish referendum racked up the most mentions in posts by UK users.
Facebook data also revealed that when it comes to the most check-in Facebook locations, the Warner Brothers Studio Tour in London came out on top, as people shared their experiences from 'The Making of Harry Potter' tour.
The social network's 'Year in Review' data looks at the moments, places and people that got us talking in the last year.
The 2014 World Cup topped the global list of things that mattered most across 200 countries.
Over 350 million people had three billion interactions on Facebook - described as such as commenting liking and posting - about the football tournament, making it the most ever talked about event on the social network.
The Ebola epidemic in West Africa was the second most discussed event, followed by the Brazilian elections, highlighting Facebook's serious side.
Facebook's founder, Mark Zuckerberg, donated $25 million (£16 million) to help treat Ebola, while 48 million people in Brazil had 674 interactions about the election, making it the most talked about of this year.
People around the globe took to the social network to talk about the tragic death of Robin Williams on August 11, including Kevin Spacey, Taylor Swift and Whoopi Goldberg.
Making up the rest of the top 10 global topics, were: the Ice Bucket Challenge, the conflict in Gaza, the mysterious disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines jet, the Super Bowl, the Ferguson protests and Sochi Winter Olympics.
In the UK, there were 3.3 million interactions mentioning the Scottish Referendum on polling day alone, with over 10 million interactions in the five week lead up to the vote.
The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge was the UK's second largest topic – a phenomenon that saw 17 million videos shared globally.
The videos, showing people braving freezing buckets of water, were collectively viewed more than 10 billion times by more than 440 million people around the world.
Football also dominated the list, with the World Cup, Premier League title race and the Champions League Final all in the top 10.
Facebook has over 500 million football fans globally, while Manchester United – featured in the UK top 10 for moments and in the top 10 most checked in locations – has over 60 million fans.
The location in the UK that received the most check-ins on Facebook, was the Warner Bros. Studio Tour London, followed by Madame Tussauds and the Tower of London, as people talked about the poppies display to mark 100 years since the beginning of the First World War.
Facebook also released data about gaming online. Across desktop and mobile, over 375 million people play games that are connected with Facebook every month
Bubble Witch 2 Saga, Candy Crush Soda Saga and Cookie Jam were the three most popular titles, while Kim Kardashian: Hollywood snuck inside the top five.
Other lists include top athletes, entertainers, TV shows, films, songs for the US.
Beyonce was the most talked-about singer, Frozen the most discussed film and 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams was the most popular song on Facebook.
In Australia, Robin Williams topped the list followed by Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Malaysia Airlines.
India's general election was the hottest topic in that nation, Facebook said, with the Indian Premier League of cricket second. In Mexico, it was the World Cup, the arrest of drug cartel leader Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman and Pope Francis.
In Spain, the top item was the Primera Liga of football, political activist Pablo Iglesias and the World Cup.
Germany's most shared news was their country's triumph in the World Cup, followed by the Bundesliga football league and entertainer Helene Fischer.
For France, the World Cup topped the list followed by Prime Minister François Hollande.
In Brazil, the biggest topic was the national election, followed by the World Cup, which it hosted, and its annual festive Carnival celebration.2014年即将结束,Facebook通过分析全球13亿用户在过去一年中的贴文,已于近日公布了2014年度十大热门话题榜。
位居第二名的则是备受关注的公共卫生议题“埃博拉疫情”。紧随其后的则是“巴西大选”,这也高度反映出Facebook严肃的一面。Facebook创始人马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)捐赠了2500万美元(约合1600万英镑),帮助缓解疫情。而巴西方面在大选期间,4800万公民创造了674次的话题互动,助“巴西大选”入围年度热门话题榜。
全球网民热议的话题还有喜剧巨星罗宾·威廉姆斯(Robin Williams)的自杀。罗宾于2014年8月11日逝世,包括凯文·斯贝西(Kevin Spacey)、泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)及乌比·戈柏(Whoopi Goldberg)在内的诸多明星都在社交平台上致以哀悼。
Facebook全球用户中,有超过5亿的足球迷。而位列英国话题榜前十和十佳定位点的曼联(Manchester United),就有6000万的粉丝。
与此同时,Facebook方面也统计出英国今年最热门的贴文签到地点——伦敦“华纳兄弟工作室”(the Warner Brothers Studio Tour)摘得桂冠,人们在这里体验到了哈利波特系列电影的制作流程,尽情抒发了自己的感受。其他分别是:杜莎夫人蜡像馆(Madame Tussauds )、伦敦塔,与此同时人们还广泛讨论了“一站”爆发100周年。 Facebook还统计了网络游戏的相关数据。从桌面游戏到手机游戏,每个月都会有超过3.75亿的用户通过登陆Faceboook账户来玩游戏。
《泡沫女巫2:传说》(Bubble Witch 2 Saga)、《糖果苏打大作战》(Candy Crush Soda Saga)、《饼干消除》(Cookie Jam)是三大最受欢迎的游戏,《金·卡戴珊:溜出好莱坞》(Kim Kardashian:Hollywood snuck)也入围前五。
在美国,还有包括最受欢迎运动员、演员、电视节目、电影、歌曲在内的多种榜单。碧昂斯获得最热门歌星,《冰雪奇缘》则荣膺话题量最大的电影、法瑞尔·威廉姆斯(Pharrell Williams)的《快乐》获得最受欢迎歌曲。
“印度大选”毫无疑问成为印度当地的热点话题,第二名则是印度超级联赛。墨西哥方面的热门话题有:世界杯、“华金”贩毒集团的头号毒枭被逮捕和教皇弗兰西斯一世。西甲联赛、政治活动家巴勃罗·伊格莱西亚斯(Pablo Iglesias)和世界杯是西班牙国内的三大热门话题。
德国方面的热门话题非“世界杯夺冠”莫属,分列二、三名的是:德甲联赛和艺人海伦·费希尔(Helene Fischer)。