商务女性在沙特出差 如何寻找变通之道
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    WOMEN traveling to Saudi Arabia often raiseeyebrows there, and Michelle Obama was noexception.

    去沙特阿拉伯旅行的西方女人往往会令那里的人扬起眉毛,米歇尔·奥巴马(Michelle Obama)也不例外。

    When Mrs. Obama recently appeared in the Saudicapital, Riyadh, in the company of President Obamawith her hair uncovered, she was following well-established diplomatic protocol for prominentforeign women visiting the country, where strictreligious laws otherwise require women to have theirheads covered.




    But a commotion ensued, exacerbated by a faked YouTube video that suggested that Saudistate television had blurred out images of Mrs. Obama and her uncovered head. The video hadbeen doctored, and not by Saudi television. But a furor still is playing out on Twitter over Mrs.Obama and the absent head scarf.


    That makes for an interesting backdrop, as more women are traveling to Saudi Arabia onbusiness these days. And they are encountering the laws that limit the social and physicalmobility of women in the kingdom, where it is illegal for a woman to drive a car.


    In 2015, a theme being widely applied to the hajj pilgrimage that brings millions of Muslims toSaudi holy sites each year is “The Year of Development,” to highlight significant economic andsocial changes in the kingdom. In a country whose economy is being battered by the drop inworld oil prices, there is growing emphasis on improving infrastructure and businessdevelopment, including the building of new hotels. Among many global hotel companies withnew projects in Saudi Arabia are Marriott, Carlson Rezidor and InterContinental, which isdeveloping its Staybridge Suites brand in Jeddah.

    每年,成百上千万穆斯林前往沙特圣地麦加朝圣。2015年朝圣的一个主题是“发展之年”,突显这个王国的经济和社会变革。该国经济正因全球油价下跌而遭受打击,所以越来越重视改善基础设施,促进商业发展,包括建新酒店。很多全球酒店集团正在沙特建新酒店,包括万豪(Marriott)、卡尔森瑞德酒店(Carlson Rezidor)和洲际酒店(InterContinental)。洲际酒店正在吉达扩张自己的驻桥套房(Staybridge Suites)品牌。

    But as this development expands, can businesswomen from abroad work effectively within aculture where, for example, a Saudi woman was arrested in December for attending a soccermatch? Yes — but it requires planning and agility, says Nancy J. Ruddy, a co-founder ofCetraRuddy, an architectural firm in New York that has been working in Saudi Arabia on thedesign for a large business hotel project in Jeddah. The five-star Galleria hotel and retail centeris scheduled to open late this year.

    但是在这些发展的同时,国外的商务女性能在这种文化中有效率地进行工作吗?去年12月,一名沙特女子因去现场观看足球赛而被捕。纽约建筑公司CetraRuddy的联合创始人南希·J·拉迪(Nancy J. Ruddy)说,女人能够在这里有效率地工作,不过需要计划和机智。该公司正在吉达设计一个大型商务酒店项目。这个五星级加列里亚饭店(Galleria)和零售中心计划今年年底开业。

    We’re all familiar with the basic drill in Saudi society, where even restaurants are segregated,with women and children seated in special sections away from men. But I asked Ms. Ruddywhether there are lesser-known hurdles in doing business while female in Saudi Arabia.


    “Any country that I go to, I really study the customs and I get advice from people who havebeen there, so the obvious things about having to wear these robes, these abayas, aboutbeing covered, everybody knows about those things,” she said. “But there are certain thingswe all assume are basic in our global world, even if it is a country like Saudi Arabia, such as theavailability of bathrooms.”


    Many of her business meetings with the development company, an arm of the Saudi royalfamily, took place in a modern 23-story office building, she said.


    “But there was no ladies’ room, which was totally shocking to me,” she said. “During my firsttrip there, if I needed to use the bathroom, I would have to say that I need to go back to myhotel, and I would have to be walked back to the hotel by a man, because you’re not allowed asa woman to walk around unaccompanied on the streets. And because there are almost nowomen in the work force in Saudi Arabia, there are no ladies’ rooms in office buildings.”


    So Ms. Ruddy resorted to a kind of bathroom diplomacy during her frequent work sessionsthere. “All of the male executives had private bathrooms, so I asked if it was possible for one ofthose bathrooms to be put out of commission so I could use it, so I wouldn’t have to asksome man to take me on a 15-minute walk back to my hotel.”


    Voilà! Compromise was achieved and a little sign on a door solved a big problem.


    By and large, as more women travel on business in Saudi Arabia, more of them are finding waysto work around the system, even as some social pressure builds within the country fromSaudi women, who make up 20 percent of the country’s work force, up from 16 percent adecade ago. That is still among the lowest female work force percentages of any country,according to data from the World Bank.


    “With so many U.S.- and global-based businesses in Saudi Arabia, travel to the country is onlygoing to expand,” said Carol Margolis, the publisher of Smart Women Travelers. “Saudi womenkeep pushing for change and, as a result, travel into their country by Western women willbecome easier.”

    “随着这么多美国和国际性公司进驻沙特,到这个国家旅行的人只会越来越多,”《聪明的女性旅行者》(SmartWomen Travelers)的作者卡罗尔·马戈利斯(Carol Margolis)说,“沙特妇女在不断推进改革,所以西方女性去她们国家旅行会变得更容易。”

    Finding ways to navigate around customs that might seem insurmountable at first “has beenvery interesting,” said Ms. Ruddy, who also has developed projects in India.


    “In Saudi Arabia, it’s clear they have a great admiration for expertise, so the rules werechanged a bit when they saw that I was bringing expertise to the table, which is of course whythey hired me in the first place,” she said. “After a while, some of the men would even call me byname and make direct eye contact.”


    Small victories, of course, in a world where the ability to gracefully work around traditions isvalued because, as every business traveler contemplating a trip to an unknown culture knows,as a general rule, when you have to go, you have to go.


      上一篇:万达拟斥资超10亿欧元收购瑞士盈方 下一篇:破解“生男魔咒”:英国家族二百年首次迎来女性后代


