美国最赚钱的企业 依然是油企
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    It is stunning that Apple managed to sell 74msmartphones in the fourth quarter of last year. Theresulting profit, $18bn, is unfathomably large. At thesame time, though, it is not a surprise that Apple isthe most profitable company in the world. Theinfluence of its products is immense. We live in anage of information, mobility and connectivity. Appleis the company for our times and so it seems naturalthat it should make the most money.


    In that context it is striking to consider the companies that have led the US profits table overthe past six decades.


    At one end, Apple; at the other, General Motors. Between them, a gradual transformation ofthe US corporate landscape. In the 1950s, the fattest profits were stamped out bymanufacturers and heavy industry; the scene today is more raucous, with technology,healthcare, finance and telecoms among the biggest earners. And through the years inbetween, a single wide streak of continuity: huge profits at the oil groups.

    榜单的一头是苹果,而另一头是通用汽车(General Motors)。在它们中间的公司则体现了美国企业格局的逐步转变。上世纪50年代,制造业企业和重工业创造了最丰厚的利润;现在的榜单更加多元化,科技、医疗、金融以及电信行业都加入了最赚钱企业之列。而在这些年里,唯一始终不变的是依然赚取巨额利润的石油集团。

    Looking down a list of the 10 most profitable companies in the S&P 500 for each of thepast 60 years, the continuity is astonishing. From 1955 to 1961 the list barely changes. It istopped by General Motors, its rivalFord is somewhere on it, and the rest is a mix of big oil —Exxon, Texaco, Chevron, Mobil, Gulf Oil — and industrial groups.

    看一下过去60年里每年标普500指数(S&P 500)成分股中10家最赚钱公司的榜单,就会发现惊人的连续性。从1955年至1961年,这个榜单几乎没有变化。通用汽车位居榜首,其竞争对手福特汽车(Ford)也在其中,其余的是石油巨头——埃克森(Exxon)、德士古(Texaco)、雪佛龙(Chevron)、美孚(Mobil)和海湾石油公司(Gulf Oil)——和工业集团。

    Then, in 1961, comes the first sign that the US and, in lockstep, the global economy ischanging:International Business Machines squeaks on to the list. The company had beenproducing transistor-based (rather than switch- or vacuum-tube based) computers for a fewyears, and had already invented disc-based random-access memory. But IBM’s appearanceon the list is not just a moment for technology. It is a milestone in the ascendancy ofinformational labour — as opposed to the physical work of manufacturing. IBM computers werebeing used to run airline reservation systems. Its Selectric typewriter had just beenintroduced.


    The following 25 years are strikingly consistent. The motor industry, oil and industrialsdominate the list with IBM. Only three companies break this pattern. In 1967, Eastman Kodakappears at number 9. In 1970, the conglomerate craze (the flip side of today’s break-upfever) shows up briefly, in the form of ITT — telecom, hotel operator, bread baker andindustrial manufacturer. AT&T cracks the top 10 in 1985, after the government dismantledits monopoly in US telephony.

    随后的25年展现了惊人的连续性。汽车、石油以及工业企业与IBM共同主宰榜单。只有3家公司打破了这种局面。1967年,伊士曼柯达公司(Eastman Kodak)出现在第9位。1970年,组建企业集团的热潮(如今拆分热的另一面)风靡一时,典型代表是美国国际电话电报公司(ITT),旗下业务包括电信、酒店运营、面包店以及工业制造。在美国政府打破其在电话服务行业的垄断地位之后,AT&T于1985年跌出了前10名的榜单。

    The real moment of change comes in 1986, when two pure consumer goods companies reachthe top tier. Philip Morris (now Altria) and Nabisco — tobacco and biscuits — take the numberseven and 10 spots. Five years later the top 10 looks dramatically different than it did in 1955.Merck and Bristol-Myers reflect the growing importance of healthcare while Coca-ColaandProcter & Gamble join Altria and underline the strength of the consumer economy.

    真正变革的时刻出现在1986年,当时两家纯消费品企业进入了前10名。后来改名为奥驰亚(Altria)的烟草公司菲利普莫里斯(Philip Morris)和饼干生产商纳贝斯科(Nabisco)分别占据第7位和第10位。5年之后,位列前10名的公司与1955年相比已发生巨大变化。制药公司默克(Merck)和百时美施贵宝(Bristol-Myers Squibb)的上榜反映了医疗保健的重要性日益上升,而可口可乐(Coca-Cola)和宝洁公司(Procter & Gamble)与奥驰亚一起上榜则突显出消费经济的力量。

    It is tempting to draw a line from the state of the economy or the world at large to the state ofcorporate profitability. But companies have a life of their own. Mergers, for example, have asmuch to do with where profits accumulate as which industries are rising or falling. It is easy topoint to “the rise of the American consumer” but the US was already a consumer economy inthe 1950s with household expenditures accounting for well over half of output.


    That said, manufacturing accounted for almost 30 per cent of US GDP at the time. Now it is 12per cent while finance, professional services and healthcare have gone from 7 per cent to 21per cent.


    In the past 20 years there have been, three important additions to the list. First, personalcomputing, as represented by Intel and Microsoft (1993 and 1999 respectively). Second,Walmart (2002) — a perfect example of how industrial, alongside economic and technologicalchanges, can influence company profits. Retail was no less important to the US economy in the1950s than it is today; but Walmart’s cost-cutting strategy has insured that more of theindustry’s profits are captured by a small number of companies.


    Perhaps most significant was the appearance of the banks. Citigroup was the most profitablecompany in the US in 2002, just six years before the financial crisis.


    But if there is one thing that should give us pause, it is the ubiquity of the oil companies at, ornear, the top of the profitability rankings. Exxon and Chevron appeared on the 1955 list, andsix decades later they remain.


    As much as the world has changed over the past 60 years, it still runs on oil.


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