Behold the words of SpaceX founder Elon Musk,offering a post-op summary of the fiery crash-landing of one of his company’s first stage rocketboosters aboard a floating barge in the Atlanticearlier this month. It smacked of the billionaireentrepreneur’s typical comedic understatement.Video accompanying the comment, delivered in atweet, shows the rocket coming in too fast and toosteep before exploding in a magnificent fireball. Itwas a far cry from the soft landing Musk and SpaceX had planned.

Most of the press called it a failure. Musk called it “close.” Experts familiar with the commercialspaceflight industry are calling it what it is: evidence that 2015 will be the year SpaceXmanages to successfully bring a first stage rocket booster and its nine rocket engines safelyback to Earth for reuse, potentially cutting the cost of space launch in half and upending thecommercial launch industry.
多数媒体认为,这次发射彻底失败,但穆斯克认为它“接近成功”。熟知民用航天业的专家则给出了一个恰当评论:很明显, SpaceX公司将在2015年竭力回收一枚一级火箭助推器和它的9个火箭引擎,以重新使用。一旦成功,这将使得航天发射的成本减半,从而彻底颠覆商业发射业。
But lost in the whiz-bang awesomeness of rocket launches (and crashes) is the way SpaceX’sreusable rocket technology could impact industries beyond those associated with space, suchas telecommunications and imaging. The cost of space access could drop from its currentrange of between $65 million and $70 million to something more like $30 million, or even $20million, putting it within reach of companies and industries that couldn’t consider it before.
火箭发射(及坠毁)时惊心动魄的轰然巨响背后,隐藏着巨大的成本,而这正是Space X公司的可循环火箭技术不仅将影响航空业,还将影响通讯和卫星成像等其它行业的原因所在。依靠这种技术,太空探索的成本可能会从现在的6500万到7000万美元降至3000万美元左右,让那些此前从未考虑过这种事情的企业和行业也能尝试一下。
“When launch costs drop, new customers will emerge,” says Dick “Rocket” David, CEO of spaceindustry information provider NewSpace Global. “But most of the customers that will beinterested don’t even realize today what impact access to space will have on their businessmodels.”
NewSpace Global公司是一家航天信息供应商,该公司首席执行官迪克o戴维称:“一旦发射成本下降,新客户就会涌现。但很多潜在感兴趣的客户直到现在都还没意识到,太空探索将对其商业模式产生什么影响。”
SpaceX wanted to bring its first stage booster back to Earth for a simple reason: the rocketboosters that are typically jettisoned after their fuel runs out cost millions of dollars to developand manufacture. If the company can return a stage to Earth intact for refurbishment andreuse, it can dramatically reduce what has long been considered a cost of doing business.
There remain questions: how much it costs to refurbish a rocket booster and how many timesa single booster can be reused, for example. And space industry analysts think costs could golower still. Musk has suggested that he’s eventually shooting for a sub-$10 million launchprice. But merely halving the cost of launch could stoke increased demand for launch servicesand bring a flood of new entrants into the orbital domain.
How all this impacts the average Fortune 500 firm remains to be seen, but two things arealmost certain to happen in the near term. First, the services that companies and individualscurrently get from space will become better, less expensive, and more accessible, says CarissaChristensen, managing partner at defense, space, and technology consultancy Tauri Group.That’s not necessarily a groundbreaking development, but it’s certainly a meaningful one.Companies spend a whole lot of money on communications, imagery, and other data collectedand relayed by orbiting satellites. In some industries, the high cost of satellite services keepsmaller companies from competing as effectively with their larger counterparts. “Cheaper,cooler, and better things from space is kind of a big deal,” Christensen says. “The benefit ofmuch cheaper satellite services is not trivial.”
Second, a huge number of new entrants and new dollars will pile into the orbital domain—and infact already are. Just last week, SpaceX announced plans to build out a network of micro-satellites over the next five years that would blanket the globe in internet. This week thecompany announced that Google GOOG -3.10% and investment bank Fidelity FNF -0.80%have invested $1 billion in the project,valuing SpaceX at $10 billion. Another satellite internetstartup known as OneWeb—launched by Google’s former satellite internet project lead, GregWyler, who left the company in September—also announced last week that it has securedfunding from Richard Branson’s Virgin Group and Qualcomm QCOM -1.16% to create a satellitenetwork of its own. The $2 billion project plans to launch 648 small satellites weighing 285pounds each starting in 2018, each of which will require a ride into an orbit.
Analysts are optimistic that space launch activity will create new opportunities that could inturn further boost investment in the space.
“Keep in mind that whenever you start launching more satellites, when you make launchservices cheaper and bring new players into the market, you have a lot of spinoff effects,” MarcoCaceres, director of space studies at aerospace and defense consultancy Teal Group. “Youhave an expanding market, you have submarkets. And you have investors taking a second, athird, a fourth look at companies like SpaceX and the ones that will follow. Venture capital willstart flowing back into the market like it did in the 1990s.”
Emerging space companies are already baking lower launch costs into their business plans.Space is to the decade ahead what the Internet was to the 1990s, NewSpace Global’s Davidsays. It’s not necessarily going to upend your revenue streams tomorrow. But if you’re notthinking about how space access impacts your business and how to leverage it to youradvantage, you’re setting yourself up as the Barnes and Noble BKS -0.16% to someoneelse’s Amazon AMZN -0.94% .
“The challenge is understanding the impact something like a reusable first stage booster willhave upon a very terrestrial business model today,” NewSpace Global’s David says. “If you’reCoca-Cola, if you’re Walmart, if you’re Toyota, if you’re Lukoil—what does a satellite have to dowith your business model today? What will falling launch costs have to do with your businessmodel in the future? From our perspective, the companies capable of connecting those dotswill be able to capture tremendous financial growth opportunities. Those who fail tounderstand that connection to their very terrestrial business models could end up on thewrong side of financial evolution in the next decade.”
“挑战在于,要理解可循环一级推进器这类装备对目前世界上盛行的商业模式的影响。如果你恰好是可口可乐、沃尔玛、丰田、卢克石油这样的企业,卫星和你目前的商业模式有何关系呢?发射成本大幅下降与你未来的商业模式有何关系?在我们看来,那些能在这两者之间建立联系的企业将抓住大量增长机遇,而那些无法理解这种关系的企业在未来十年可能会走下坡路,” 戴维称。
Most companies don’t think of themselves as “space companies,” David says. But it’s hard tofind a company on the Fortune 500 that isn’t intimately connected to terrestrial assets—realestate, agriculture, transportation infrastructure, energy infrastructure, brick and mortarfacilities. The ability to connect all those assets in a proprietary way, to monitor them inrealtime and generate accurate and instantaneous information about them will ensure acompetitive edge for companies in the 21st century.
That’s especially true for firms who rely on fast, accurate information—and proprietary accessto that information—to generate revenue. “Is it obvious that someone like BlackRock or Apollowould care about having their own satellites?” David says. “I think if you were to poll most PEfirms and IBs on Wall Street they would say, ‘Space? You gotta be kiddin’ me.’ But what we’regoing to see in the near term as launch costs come down, as more satellites are lifted, is anincrease in knowledge at higher frequency. That’s going to lead to results that could changethe very nature of financial analysis.”
Whether or not Stamford-based energy traders will soon find themselves jockeying for thechoicest orbits from which to count oil tankers in the Strait of Malacca is anyone’s guess. Butthe takeaway from SpaceX’s most recent rocket recover “failure” is this: access to space isaccess to knowledge, and the next space race will be among companies vying to be a “spacecompany.”