Pigeons and pollution are both common blights incities around the world, but a group of engineers inLondon are hoping the birds can help them tackleproblems with air quality.
A technology company has revealed it is strappingpollution-monitoring backpacks onto ten pigeons inLondon to monitor air pollution over the next threedays.
On Monday, the flock, nicknamed the Pigeon Air Patrol, were set loose from a rooftop in BrickLane by pigeon fancier, Brian Woodhouse.
For three days, Londoners will be able to get live updates of the pollution where they are bytweeting their location to @PigeonAir.
Data from three of the pigeons, called Coco, Julius and Norbert, will then be used to instantlyreply, telling them about the level of pollution in their area.
A live map is also being updated as the pigeons fly around, detailing the levels of pollution indifferent areas of the capital.
'Air pollution isn't sexy and people don't engage with it,' said Pierre Duquesnoy, creativedirector at DigitasLBi, who had the original idea.
'So the heart of our idea was to make air pollution more accessible and relevant to people.
'The Pigeon Air Patrol is a perfect example of how data combined with creative storytelling canraise awareness of a serious health and environmental issue.'
To develop the idea Mr Duquesnoy worked with Plume Labs, a technology company that helpsconsumers track and reduce their exposure to air pollution.
为了发展这个构想,迪凯努瓦选择与科技公司Plume Labs合作。Plume Labs帮助其客户追踪并减少暴露在空气污染中的机会。
'Air pollution is a huge environmental health issue, killing 10,000 people every year in Londonalone,' said Romain Lacombe, chief executive office of Plume Labs.
“空气污染是一项重大的环境卫生问题。仅在伦敦,每年因空气污染而死亡的人数就超过1万,”Plume Labs首席执行官罗曼·拉科比说。
'Putting air sensors on the back of pigeons goes beyond raising awareness of this problem andhelps Londoners understand the impact of pollution in an accessible, tangible andimmediate way.'
The pigeons used in the study are racing pigeons, who usually live four times longer than streetpigeons because they're so well cared for.
The flock even has their own vet to double check they're always in peak health.
The high-tech backpacks they wear to monitor pollution are tiny and light as a feather.
The campaign only runs for three days, after which the birds will be able to return to theirnormal life.
The company hope the campaign will encourage Londoners to join the Air Patrol, bybecoming beta testers for a wearable version of Plume Labs' air pollution measuring device.
Plume Labs公司希望此举能鼓励伦敦市民参加“空中巡逻”活动,成为该公司设计的可穿戴式空气污染检测器的测试员。
‘We’re looking for 100 people to beta test our new pollution sensor, in partnership withImperial College London,’ the website says.
‘If you’re a cyclist, runner, or pram pusher, who’d like to know what you’re breathing and howto beat pollution, join our programme testing a wearable version of our air pollution device.’