Under the cover of Russian air strikes, Syria’smilitary fought alongside foreign Shia militia fighters, including the Lebanese force Hizbollah,to retake the city in a three-week offensive that is a symbolic victory for Syrian PresidentBashar al-Assad.
在俄罗斯空中打击的掩护下,叙利亚军队与外籍的什叶派民兵武装力量(包括黎巴嫩的真主党(Hizbollah))并肩作战,经过三周攻势夺回了巴尔米拉。这是叙利亚总统巴沙尔•阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad)的一个具有象征意义的胜利。
Syria’s army command said Palmyra would be its base to launch further operations againstIsis in the oil-rich eastern province of Deir Ezzor and the northern city of Raqqa, the jihadiforces’ de facto capital.
叙利亚陆军司令部表示,巴尔米拉将成为他们对石油资源丰富的东部省份代尔祖尔(Deir Ezzor)和北部城市拉卡(Raqqa)的ISIS发起进一步攻击的基地。拉卡是圣战组织ISIS事实上的“首都”。