The Oscar-winning film Spotlight doesn’t contain any heart-racing confrontations or gruesome flashbacks like most crime mysteries do. But through its detailed, step-by-step depiction of a real-life investigation, the movie delivers a stronger wallop than most films of its genre.
Directed by Tom McCarthy, the movie dramatizes what happened when the Boston Globe newspaper decided to take on one of the city’s most powerful institutions: the Catholic Church. Back in 2002, aquartet of investigative reporters uncovered rampant child abuse among Boston’s Catholic priests, as well as the church’s efforts to whitewash their crimes.
Most blockbusters focus on a single, central protagonist – a messiah-type figure who ultimately saves the day. There again, Spotlight rejects convention. Its large-group cast accurately reflects the collaborativedynamic of newsroom staff.
The lead characters make the decision to investigate the pedophile priests together. Despite pressure from the church and certain dissatisfied witnesses, they connect the dots and publish their findings for all to see. “This is a film about the methodical process of reporting,” senior associate editor David Sims commented in The Atlantic.
In this digital era, the value of news is increasingly measured by the amount of articles each publication can produce and the number of clicks each article generates. Movies like Spotlight harken back to abygone era when investigative journalists could spend two years on a single project. The film evokesnostalgia for the slow pace of print media, and the brilliance it could produce.
Spotlight also does its bit to chip away at the cynicism building up around journalism in pop culture. Its journalists are noble, self-sacrificing reporters who risk their own safety to expose corruption. By contrast, a number of recent movies and TV shows have depicted journalists – especially female journalists –as unscrupulous and unprofessional.
For instance, in the Netflix series House of Cards, reporter Zoe Barnes (Kate Mara) sleeps with a congressman for information. In the movie Thank you for Smoking, journalist Heather Holloway (Katie Holmes) frames a lobbyist by reporting statements said off the record. And then there’s the fictional news anchor from Anchorman, Ron Burgundy (Will Ferrell), who desperately tries to sleep with his new female rival.
“We can laugh these kinds of stereotypes off as campy clichés,” Lindsay Zoladz wrote on the pop culture site Vulture, “but they linger in the cultural imagination.”
The movie Spotlight not only challenges misconceptions about journalists, but also pays homage to the profession and its values. “Spotlight is a defense of professionalism in a culture that increasingly holds it in contempt,” wrote The New York Times film critic A.O. Scott.