Now they have earned a new label from the Americangovernment: trade barrier.
United States trade officials have for the first time added China’s system of Internet filters andblocks — broadly known as the Great Firewall — to an annual list of trade impediments. Theentry says that over the last decade, the limits have “posed a significant burden to foreignsuppliers, hurting both Internet sites themselves, and users who often depend on them forbusiness.”
The report from the Office of the United States Trade Representative said that over the lastyear, the “outright blocking of websites appears to have worsened,” noting that eight of the top25 most popular global sites are blocked in China.
美国贸易代表办公室(Office of the United States Trade Representative)发布的这份报告称,在过去一年里,“网站被彻底屏蔽的现象似乎有所恶化”,全球25个人气最高的网站中,有八个在中国遭到屏蔽。
“Much of the blocking appears arbitrary; for example, a major home improvement site in theUnited States, which would appear wholly innocuous, is typical of sites likely swept up by theGreat Firewall,” the report said.
China blocks some of the biggest corporate names on the Internet, including services offeredby Google, Facebook and Twitter. That can hobble the ability of foreign companies to dobusiness in China, whether through blocked websites or workplaces that cannot reach Gmail,Google’s email service. China also blocks a growing number of foreign news outlets, includingthe website of The New York Times.
Officials at China’s commerce and foreign affairs ministries, as well as at its top Internetregulatory agency, did not respond to requests for comment.
In recent years, China and the United States have clashed over trade in the technologyindustry. Last year, the Obama administration responded to lobbying from Americancompanies against a number of Chinese laws that the companies said were devised to pushthem out of China. Beijing toned down language in an antiterrorism law, and it scrapped aregulation restricting what foreign hardware could be sold to Chinese banks.
Still, any effort by the United States to persuade China to reduce its Internet censorshipwould most likely be a nonstarter. The Chinese government considers the close control ofonline discourse a matter of national security, largely out of concerns about the Internet’spower to aid the organization of protests and the spread of dissent. As a result, Beijing hasshown little flexibility on issues of censorship in the past, and it tends to block any Internetmedia it feels it does not have complete control over.
Scott Kennedy, who holds the Freeman Chair in China Studies at the Center for Strategic andInternational Studies, said the move by the United States trade office illustrated the gulfbetween the attitude represented by China’s heavy regulation of the Internet and the one putforward by the United States through trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
国际战略研究中心(Center for Strategic and International Studies)费和中国研究项目(Freeman Chairin China Studies)学者甘思德(Scott Kennedy)说,美国贸易代表办公室这个举动显示了两种态度之间的鸿沟:一方面是中国严控互联网所体现的态度,另一方面则是美国通过跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(Trans PacificPartnership)这样的贸易协议表现出来的态度。
“China is far less willing to separate commercial and national security concerns,” he wrotein an email. “This difference in approach is unlikely to disappear anytime soon, no matter howmuch the U.S. highlights the issue.”
China cites the threat of online espionage, pointing to disclosures by Edward J. Snowden, theformer National Security Agency contractor, that showed American intelligence efforts to useAmerican hardware abroad to gather information.
中国把网络间谍威胁作为一个理由,指出美国国家安全局前承包商雇员爱德华·J·斯诺登(Edward J.Snowden)曝光的文件显示,美国情报界试图利用境外的美国硬件来搜集信息。
Online filters in China create an Internet largely walled off from the rest of the world, violatingthe fundamental idea of the web as an open channel of communication among peopleacross the globe. Detractors say that the practice is anticompetitive, prohibits freedom ofexpression and ultimately damages Chinese economic growth by limiting access to information.Supporters of China’s policies say that the rules have allowed the country to foster a thrivingset of domestic Internet companies.
The United States trade office added China’s Internet censorship policies to its annual NationalTrade Estimate Report, released on March 31. The insertion was reported on April 1 by InsideU.S. Trade, a trade publication.
美国贸易代表办公室把中国的互联网审查政策添加到其年度《贸易评估报告》(National Trade EstimateReport)中。全文于3月31日发布。行业刊物《美国贸易内情》(U.S. Trade)在4月1日报道了这个添加。
American trade officials have scrutinized the Great Firewall in the past. In 2011, the UnitedStates trade office said that China’s filters were a commercial barrier that hurt Americansmall businesses. The statement was among the formal questions submitted through theWorld Trade Organization to China about what laws and regulations dictated the availability ofcommercial websites in the country.
Some of the largest American Internet companies and foreign trade groups have long lobbiedthe United States to treat censorship as a trade matter. For instance, in 2008, Google’sdeputy general counsel testified before a Senate subcommittee that the United Statesgovernment should make the matter a central issue in trade talks.