各国游客出门都带啥 中国人最爱带泡面
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    Forget flip flops and sun tan lotion, it's coffee andketchup that holidaymakers consider their packingessentials, according to a new study.


    While the French favour cheese with more than half(53 percent) squeezing a dairy treat into theirsuitcase, perhaps unsurprisingly 48 percent of Britstake tea bags with them on a getaway, to make abrew on the move.


    A survey of travellers from 29 countries and regions has revealed the top unexpected itemseach nationality takes abroad, ensuring that wherever they go they have a taste of home withthem.


    The study by lowcostholidays surveyed 7,500 people from around the world ensuring that aminimum of 250 locals had been interviewed for each country.


    Illustrated in an infographic, the study found that 56 percent of respondents from Japan packedMiso soup while 64 percent of Italians couldn't travel without coffee.


    Perhaps fearing that food overseas might need seasoning, ketchup was the essential item for38 percent of New Zealanders, while 41 percent of Indonesians packed hot sauce and 38percent of Mexicans carried canned chillies.


    Transporting a kitchen essential from home, Australians couldn't bear to be without vegemite(41 percent packed it) while 55 % of South Koreans can be found carrying Kimchi and 39percent of Chinese mainland travellers pack instant noodles.


    For Germans with a sweet tooth, 43 percent packed treats in the form of Haribo while 43percent of Irish tourists squirrel away Silvermints in their suitcase.


    Concerned more with entertainment on the road than their taste buds, 37 percent of Russianssurveyed travel with a pack of playing cards. While handily, 30 percent of Swiss travellers carrya pocket knife.


    Interestingly, those from the USA, Hong Kong and Belgium were more pre-occupied withpacking essentials that related to grooming and hygiene.


    The study found 32 percent of Americans take toilet paper with them on their travels, astaggering 66 percent of Belgians pack Washandjes (wash cloths) and 60 percent of people fromHong Kong carry pocket tissues with them.


    Honing in on Brits, after tea bags, marmite was a popular item to pack with 14 percent ofrespondents taking the spread overseas, along with 11 percent carrying chocolate hob nobs,nine percent Vicks Vapor Rub and just 8 percent plumping for coffee.

    对英国人的进一步调查发现,马麦酱也是受欢迎的必备物品,14%的受访者出国会带着它,仅次于茶包。还有11%的人喜欢带“hob nob”牌巧克力,9%的人会带维克斯薄荷膏,只有8%的人选择了咖啡。

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