“Rou Jia Mo” - a popular “meat burger” or “meat sandwich” consisting of chopped meat inside a pita-like bun, is one of them. Now, the delicacy has got an official English name: Rougamo - a transliteration of its Chinese pronunciation.
“肉夹馍”就是其中之一。它是一种中国流行的“肉汉堡”或“夹肉三明治”,肉末夹于圆面饼之中。现在,这一美味有了自己的官方英文名:Rougamo, 根据其中文发音而来。
The burger is also known as “the world’s oldest hamburger”(as cited in a Huffington Post report in April 2015) –it is thought to date back to the Qin Dynasty, over 2,000 years ago.
The Xi’an Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau coined an English name for the burger in order to further promote the food.