两万封邮件揭秘希拉里竞选黑幕 美国上演现实版《纸牌屋》
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    希拉里民调原本一直领先于共和党候选人特朗普,然而一起“邮件门”令大选形势突然改变。维基解密22日公开了民主党国家委员会(Democratic National Committee,简称DNC)内部绝密的19252封邮件和8034个附件,揭露了希拉里黑对手、勾结高层内定候选人、涉嫌洗钱和操控媒体等多项丑闻。

    最新民调显示,特朗普已经以48%的支持率甩下希拉里3个百分点,此前的民调希拉里一直领先于特朗普。被指“偏向希拉里”的民主党全国委员会主席黛比·沃瑟曼·舒尔茨(Debbie Wasserman Schultz)宣布辞职。希拉里民主党竞争对手桑德斯的支持者称希拉里“偷走了选举(stole the election)”,纷纷游行抗议,警方已拘捕数十人。目前,FBI已着手调查此事。


    两万封邮件揭秘希拉里竞选黑幕 美国上演现实版《纸牌屋》

    The FBI is investigating whether Russia was behind a cyber attack on the Democratic Party on the eve of its convention amid suggestions the Kremlin was trying to meddle in the US presidential election.


    Cybersecurity experts said there was evidence the Russian government was linked to the breach which led to 20,000 internal emails being published by WikiLeaks.


    The emails showed party officials had plotted behind the scenes to stop socialist candidate Bernie Sanders becoming their nominee, a revelation which threw the convention into turmoil.


    Senior Democrats alleged Russia was trying to destabilise Mrs Clinton to ease Donald Trump's route to the White House because the Kremlin viewed him more favourably.


    Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon said: "There is a consensus among experts that it is indeed Russia that is behind this hack."


    Mr Trump responded: "The new joke in town is that Russia leaked the disastrous Democrat e-mails because Putin likes me."


    Experts said it appeared to be part of a larger wave of Russian cyber attacks that included ones on the White House and US Department of Justice last year.


    Hours before WikiLeaks published members of the National Security Council and FBI were already meeting at the White House amid suggestions the Democrats had been hacked.


    It emerged that the hackers had been in the party's system for over a year, breaching the accounts of seven Democrat leaders, and further damaging leaks are expected during the course of the election.


    Donna Brazile, the party's interim chairwoman, said: "I don't know the substance, but I do know there is lots of stuff that we might have to apologise for."


    An FBI spokesman said: "The FBI is investigating a cyber intrusion involving the Democratic National Committee and are working to determine the nature and scope of the matter.


    Mrs Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta said there was "a kind of bromance going on" between Mr Trump and Russian president Vladimir Putin.



    一 黑共和党对手川普


    ➤ 吐槽川普在国家安全方面的愚蠢宣言:

    Donald Trump has no foreign policy experience and rather than seeking the advice of well-respected experts, Trump relies on his own misinformed ideas and in his own words, on his "good brain."



    Trump once said you had to treat women "like s**t" and has spent decades doing so himself by calling women names - "fat pig," "slob," or "bimbo" - and saying a man needs a woman to support him at home rather than always be "griping and bitching."



    两万封邮件揭秘希拉里竞选黑幕 美国上演现实版《纸牌屋》

    ➤ 吐槽川普的各种暴力分裂政策:

    Trump spouts hateful and dangerous lies about Muslims and called to surveil mosques, to ban Muslims from entering the country.


    Trump called Mexican immigrants "rapists" and criminals and said they brought disease into the country, said you needed to check if Native Americans were "real Indians."


    ➤ 吐槽川普在经济方面的不靠谱:

    Despite his tough talk on trade deals and the loss of American jobs, Donald Trump manufactured his clothing line in countries he rails against, like China and Mexico.

    尽管他自己义正言辞地说要控制国际贸易以便解决国内的失业问题, 他自己公司的流水线还不是建在了中国和墨西哥。(打脸不,啪啪的!)

    Dangerous Donald's businesses have repeatedly gone bankrupt, leaving investors, contractors and small businesses holding the bag for his disastrous business decisions.


    Economists have actually predicted Trump's policies could start an international trade war and even destabilize the global economy.



    Job requirements:


    * No gaining weight on the job (we’ll take some “before” pictures when you start to use later as evidence)


    * Must be open to public humiliation and open-press workouts if you do gain weight on the job


    * A willingness to evaluate other women’s hotness for the boss’ satisfaction is a plus


    * Should be proficient in lying about age if the boss thinks you’re too old


    二 黑民主党对手桑德斯

    民主党内部也是各种算计、陷害。邮件还显示民主党内部暗中倒向希拉里一边,而对伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)十分不公。


    两万封邮件揭秘希拉里竞选黑幕 美国上演现实版《纸牌屋》

    ➤ 揪桑德斯的宗教信仰问题

    在一封主题是“no shit”(废话少说)的邮件中,民主党高层“指示”说应该就宗教信仰问题攻击一下桑德斯。

    信里说: ...for KY and WVA can we get someone to ask his belief.


    He had skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist.


    My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist.”



    这封邮件中,DNC成员问他们的公关主任Luis Miranda是否有关于桑德斯的负面描述可以用来做新闻黑他。


    Immediately right now, we have got to defeat Donald Trump. And we have got to elect Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine.


    这句话招来支持者的嘘声,人们高呼“我们想要的是伯尼”。这么深沉的爱不知让伯尼作何感想……伯尼不得不停下来,数次举手示意“brothers and sisters”安静,才能继续说道:

    This is the real world we live in. Trump is a bully and a demagogue.


    三 勾结媒体控制舆论

    邮件显示,DNC和华盛顿邮报、华尔街日报、CNN、MSNBC、Politico等媒体暗中勾结,制造挺希拉里、黑桑德斯(to boost Hillary Clinton and sandbag Bernie Sanders)的舆论气氛。在一封邮件中,Politico的记者Ken Vogel,甚至将一篇关于希拉里的稿件发给DNC宣传秘书审核,邮件主题是:

    “Per agreement . . . any thoughts appreciated.” 按照协定……欢迎指正。

    后者将邮件转发给上司,公关主任Luis Miranda,说:

    Vogel gave me his story ahead of time/before it goes to his editors as long as I didn’t share it. Let me know if you see anything that's missing and I'll push back. Vogel


    在另一封邮件中,民主党公关主任(Luis Miranda)将来自桑德斯竞选团队的一封信件泄露给了华盛顿邮报的记者。

    邮件说: Off the record, you didn’t get this from me. 不许说是从我这里得到的信息。


    I think the best reporter to give the news to ahead of time is Greg Sargent at the Washington Post. But, the specific reporter is not as important as getting it to an outlet before the news breaks so we can help control the narrative on the front end.

    最好是把新闻给《华盛顿邮报》的Greg Sargent,不过,更重要的是在消息传开以前就想办法找到一个说法,从前端控制住媒体的叙述。

    四 涉嫌洗钱

    有多封泄露的邮件指出希拉里勾结民主党委员会进行洗钱活动。为了规避筹款上限,希拉里搞了个联合筹款团队胜利基金(Hillary Victory Fund,简称HVF)。这个联合筹款基金的意思是,通过这个基金筹的款是民主党竞选人共有的,但事实并非如此。希拉里团队曾宣称HVF筹集到数千万美元,这其中只有1%留在了民主党内均分,剩下的绝大多数都流向了希拉里的竞选团队。


      上一篇:英国首例双手移植手术成功 下一篇:希拉里获提名 百位名人联名反对特朗普入主白宫


