美最高法院审理三星侵权案 上百名顶尖设计师力挺苹果
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    Star designers are being pitted against tech titans in the latest episode of Apple’s legal battle with Samsung. More than 100 design leaders, including Lord Norman Foster, Sir Paul Smith, Sir Terence Conran, Calvin Klein and Dieter Rams, have joined Apple’s side as the long-running patent case is considered by the US Supreme Court.

    在苹果(Apple)与三星(Samsung)法律诉讼的最新进展中,知名设计师与科技巨擘针锋相对。美国最高法院(US Supreme Court)受理这桩旷日持久的专利案后,100多名设计界领袖站在了苹果一方,其中包括诺曼•福斯特勋爵(Lord Norman Foster)、保罗•史密斯爵士(Sir Paul Smith)、特伦斯•康兰爵士(Sir Terence Conran)、卡尔文•克莱恩(Calvin Klein)以及迪特尔•拉姆斯(Dieter Rams)。

    The move sets many of the most famous names in industrial design, fashion and architecture against some of the biggest tech companies in the world, including Google and Facebook, who have lined up behind Samsung in the case.


    Samsung’s appeal to the Supreme Court hinges on what portion of a copied product’s profits can be awarded in damages to a patent holder. It is the first time in decades that the top US court in the US has considered an issue relating to design patents.


    In an amicus brief filed on Thuryesterday, 111 international design professionals and academics urged the court to uphold the 129-year-old ruling by the US Congress that “it is the design that sells the article” and therefore patent infringement should incur damages equal to the whole of the profits generated by a copycat product.

    在昨日提交的一份“法庭之友”意见陈述书(amicus brief)中,国际设计界111名专业人士和学者敦促美国最高法院维持美国国会一项有129年历史的裁决:“使物品能够销售出去的是设计”,因此专利侵权导致的赔偿金应等于仿冒产品产生的全部利润。

    The submission marks the first intervention by the design community in the high-profile case, after a jury in California handed what was originally more than $1bn in damages against Samsung to Apple four years ago.


    Samsung has argued that the 2012 ruling, if upheld, could “stifle competition” in the tech industry by awarding “excessive” damages to patent holders and arm so-called “patent trolls” who abuse the intellectual property system. It has already paid $548m to Apple after its earlier appeals failed.


    The designers’ filing follows Apple’s own response last week, which argued that Congress’s original ruling should stand and Samsung had failed to provide adequate evidence to support its case. The group of “friends to the court” was convened by Charles Mauro, founder of the New York design consultancy Mauro New Media, and law firm Orrick.

    在设计师们提交意见书之前,苹果自己在上周已作出了回应,该公司辩称,应维持美国国会的最初裁决,而且三星未能提供充足证据支持其上诉理由。这个“法庭之友”群体由纽约设计咨询公司Mauro New Media的创始人查尔斯•莫罗(Charles Mauro)以及律师事务所Orrick召集。

    “It became very clear to leading designers in the US and design researchers globally that Samsung, should they prevail in their effort to remake the compensation methodology for infringement, would create an existential threat to design professionals who rely on intellectual property for value and protection,” Mr Mauro said. in an interview.


    He added that Samsung was “dead wrong” to argue that consumers consider a wide variety of technical features, as well as the external design, when deciding which product to buy. “Modern marketing and cognitive science shows very clearly that visual design in consumer decision-making overrides underlying functionality,” he said.


    Mr Mauro told the Financial Times that if Samsung prevailed in the Supreme Court, it could unleash a new wave of copycats and create a “massive problem” for US patent holders by making litigation much more complicated.


    “We would see the return of exact copyists and a flooding of the US market of copycat products because nobody would be afraid any more,” he said. “It would become a cost-benefit equation.”


    Other signatories include executives at fashion houses Louis Vuitton, Dries Van Noten and Lanvin, tech groups including Microsoft, Dyson and McLaren Technology Group, as well as carmaker Bentley Motors, furniture designer Knoll and jeweller Georg Jensen.

    其他签署人包括众多公司的高管,比如时尚集团路易威登(Louis Vuitton)、德赖斯•范诺顿(Dries Van Noten)和朗万(Lanvin),科技公司微软(Microsoft)、戴森(Dyson)和迈凯伦科技集团(McLaren Technology Group),以及汽车制造商宾利汽车(Bentley Motors)、家具设计公司诺尔(Knoll)和珠宝公司Georg Jensen。

    The designers together have received hundreds of patents and have worked with tech companies including Apple, Samsung and Google as well as companies in other industries, such as American Airlines, Coca-Cola, Starbucks and Procter & Gamble.

    这些设计师们总共获得了数百项专利,并与许多公司合作,包括苹果、三星和谷歌等科技公司以及其他行业的公司,比如美国航空(American Airlines)、可口可乐(Coca-Cola)、星巴克(Starbucks)和宝洁(Procter & Gamble)。

    A Samsung spokesperson said: “We have received overwhelming support for overturning the ruling in favour of Apple, including from leading patent experts, numerous concerned companies, and the US government.


    “If left uncorrected, the appeals court’s ruling could lead to diminished innovation, pave the way for design troll patent litigation and negatively impact the economy and consumers.”


      上一篇:英国开了一家“国家便便博物馆” 下一篇:巴西不高兴:充斥愤怒、焦虑与冷漠的里约奥运


