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    A petition against the appointment by Goldman Sachs of former European Commission president José Manuel Barroso has attracted more than 76,000 signatures.

    一份反对高盛(Goldman Sachs)对欧盟委员会(European Commission)前主席若泽•曼努埃尔•巴罗佐(José Manuel Barroso)之任命的请愿书已吸引到逾7.6万人签名。

    The change.org petition — which claims to have been started by a group of EU civil servants — is asking for punitive measures to be taken against Mr Barroso, including the suspension of his EU pension, over his decision to work for the Wall Street giant.


    The former EU chief was unveiled as the non-executive chairman of Goldman Sachs’ London-based investment bank in early July, a fortnight after the UK’s shock vote to quit the EU.


    Despite a long history of former politicians taking up private sector jobs, the Goldman Sachs appointment provoked outrage from Mr Barroso’s former political colleagues, including France’s President François Hollande who described the move as “morally unacceptable”.

    尽管前政治人士到私营部门任职的历史很悠久,但高盛的这一任命却引起了包括法国总统弗朗索瓦•奥朗德(François Hollande)在内的巴罗佐前政界同僚的愤怒。奥朗德称此举“在道义上是不可接受的”。

    The petition is more than halfway to its stated target of 150,000 signatories and is due to be presented to current commission president Jean-Claude Juncker at the end of September. It will also go to European Council president Donald Tusk and the leader of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz.

    这份请愿书声称其目标是征集15万人的签名,而目前的签名人数已过半。请愿书将在9月末呈交给现任欧盟委员会主席让-克洛德•容克(Jean-Claude Juncker),另外还将呈交给欧洲理事会(European Council)主席唐纳德•图斯克(Donald Tusk)和欧洲议会(European Parliament)议长马丁•舒尔茨(Martin Schulz)。

    The European Commission would not comment. There is no legal basis for curbing Mr Barroso’s pension, which is more than €100,000 a year, since he fully complied with an 18-month restriction period that kicked in when he left Brussels in October 2014.


    Mr Barroso would not comment on the petition, while Goldman Sachs stressed that his 18-month restriction was “a longer period than that imposed by most European institutions”.


    Critics have claimed the role is inappropriate given Mr Barroso’s central role in forming Europe’s response to the financial crisis during his decade at the helm of the EU. The petition also references Goldman Sachs’ role in the US subprime crisis and Greece’s crisis and the crucial juncture the EU faces as Brexit looms.


    “It (the appointment) is, at the worst possible moment, a disastrous symbol for the Union and a gift horse for the Europhobes that a former Commission President is associated with the . . . values that Goldman Sachs represents,” the petition argues.


    Mr Juncker has criticised the appointment in two separate interviews. “The fact that Barroso works for a bank doesn’t bother me,” he told Belgian newspaper Le Soir in late July. “But the fact that it’s that one causes me a problem.”

    容克已在两次访谈中批评了这项任命。“巴罗佐为一家银行效力,我不认为有何不妥,”他在7月末向比利时《晚报》(Le Soir)表示,“我认为不妥的是他效力的是那家银行。”

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