Hillary Clinton’s campaign labelled rival Donald Trump a liar and called on moderators to police his assertions in a clear sign the Democratic presidential candidate is increasingly worried Monday’s high-stakes debate could boost Mr Trump’s chances of victory.
希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)阵营将竞争对手唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)称作说谎者,呼吁辩论主持人管束他的断言,这明显表明,民主党总统候选人越来越担心周一的重要电视辩论可能会提高特朗普的胜率。
The demands by Robby Mook, Mrs Clinton’s campaign manager, came as a new poll showed her lead over Mr Trump shrinking to just two points after the Democratic nominee bungled disclosure of her pneumonia diagnosis and the Trump campaign produced a more measured and on-message Republican candidate.
希拉里的竞选经理罗比•穆克(Robby Mook)提出这个要求之际,一项最新民调显示,希拉里较特朗普的领先优势已收窄至区区两点,此前,希拉里在披露她患上肺炎的消息时做得不够好,而特朗普阵营推出了一个更为慎重和说话得体的共和党总统候选人。
“We haven’t seen anything like this,” Mr Mook told ABC News on Sunday. “We normally go into a debate with two candidates who have a depth of experience, who have rolled out clear, concrete plans, and who don’t lie, frankly, as frequently as Donald Trump does.”
“我们没有看到过这样的事,”穆克在周日告诉ABC新闻(ABC News),“一般辩论双方是有着深厚阅历并提出清晰具体计划的两位候选人,坦率的说,他们不会像唐纳德•特朗普那样频频说谎。”
Mrs Clinton’s longtime mastery of policy details has led many handicappers to predict she will run roughshod over the New York real estate developer, who had an erratic track record in debates during the Republican primaries.
But the Clinton campaign’s efforts to pressure the debate’s moderator was a clear attempt to lower expectations, and came even as Mr Trump’s team expressed confidence in his chances.
“He’s a brilliant debater,” Kelleyanne Conway, Mr Trump’s campaign manager, said on the ABC programme This Week. “Newt Gingrich put it best: the former speaker recently said Donald Trump is the best debater he’s ever seen. He’s like the Babe Ruth of debating.”
“他是一位高超的辩论家,”特朗普的竞选经理凯利恩•康韦(Kelleyanne Conway)在ABC谈话节目《本周》(This Week)中表示,“纽特•金里奇(Newt Gingrich)说的最好:这位前众议院议长最近表示,唐纳德•特朗普是他见过的最优秀的辩手。他就像辩论界的巴比•鲁斯(Babe Ruth)。”