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    Rarely in a US presidential election has the choice been so stark and the stakes so high. The contest between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump has provided high drama, amply demonstrated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s reckless, last-minute intervention in the saga of Mrs Clinton’s emails. But there must be no doubt about the gravity of the 2016 election, for America and the world.

    美国大选很少面临如此严峻且高风险的选择。希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)和唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)的这场争夺充满了戏剧性,联邦调查局(FBI)在最后一刻对希拉里邮件门的鲁莽调查,更是充分证明了这一点。但2016年美国大选的重要性毋庸置疑,无论是对美国还是对全世界。

    The international order of the past 70 years is fraying, maybe even breaking down. The Brexit vote in June likely removes a pillar of the EU. The Middle East points to a shattered system; further east, in the Pacific, China is becoming more assertive, challenging America’s dominant role in the region and the postwar Bretton Woods system. Under Vladimir Putin, Russia has become emboldened, threatening Nato’s borders, spreading havoc in Syria, and apparently orchestrating leaks to influence the US election itself.

    过去70年的国际秩序正在产生裂痕,甚至可能崩溃。6月英国脱欧公投可能撤掉了欧盟的一根支柱。中东秩序显然已四分五裂,远东太平洋地区,中国正变得日益强硬,不断挑战美国在该地区以及战后布雷顿森林体系(Bretton Woods)的主导地位。俄罗斯在总统弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)治下变得更加大胆,威胁北约边界,在叙利亚扩散混乱,并且显然精心安排了泄露事件以影响美国大选本身。

    This is a moment for the renewal of American leadership. One candidate has the credentials. Mrs Clinton has served as first lady, senator for New York and US secretary of state. Mr Trump deals in denigration not diplomacy. He has abused allies, threatening to remove east Asia’s nuclear umbrella, sideline Nato and unleash trade wars. Mr Trump casts himself in the role of a western strongman to stand alongside the likes of Mr Putin.


    Mr Trump has demonstrated contempt towards American democracy itself. He has persistently raised the prospect of a rigged election and declined, even when pressed, to guarantee he would accept the result. He has threatened to jail Mrs Clinton. Such arrogance is unprecedented and it points to a fatal flaw in his character. The first role of the president is to be commander-in-chief, in charge of the world’s largest active nuclear arsenal. Mr Trump has a thin skin and a questionable temperament. For all his many years as a reality TV host, he is simply not ready for prime time.


    Yet Mrs Clinton has much to prove. To many American voters, Mrs Clinton’s decades of public service mean little. She epitomises a remote, self-serving establishment. Her campaign has lacked inspiration. She struggled against Bernie Sanders, a 74-year-old self-styled socialist from Vermont. The uncomfortable truth is that both Mr Sanders and Mr Trump have touched a nerve among voters, tapping into a cynicism about politics which has been growing steadily in the US, fuelled in part by the legacy of the 2008 global financial crisis.

    但希拉里也有很多事有待考验。对许多美国选民来说,希拉里几十年的公共服务并不代表什么。她是高高在上的、自私自利的权势集团的一个缩影。她的竞选缺乏灵感。她之前在应对74岁、来自佛蒙特州、自诩社会主义者的伯尼•桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)的竞争时颇为艰难。令人不安的是,桑德斯和特朗普都触动了选民的神经,抓住了人们对美国政治的怀疑,这种怀疑一直在美国滋长,部分是受到2008年全球金融危机造成的影响的推动。

    The American dream, so potent for immigrants and US citizens alike, has become more elusive. The middle class has been squeezed for several decades but the 1 per cent have become wealthier. Populism has staged a revival, supported by a media which have become more polarised than ever. In the search for higher ratings, too many have been happy to strike a Faustian bargain with Mr Trump.


    If elected, Mrs Clinton must work out how to heal the divisiveness which has characterised the 2016 election. If Mr Trump contests the result, her task will be harder. In the national interest she must show a determination to work with a fractured Republican party. This proved beyond President Barack Obama, whose fatigue with Congress verged on the fatalistic. Mrs Clinton, who has worked with ideological foes, has the chance for a fresh start.

    希拉里如果当选,必须设法弥合已成为2016年大选特点的分歧。如果特朗普对结果有异议,她的这项任务将更加艰巨。为了国家利益,她必须表现出与分裂的共和党一起合作的决心。事实表明美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)未能做到这一点,他对美国国会的疲于应对就像是听天由命。曾与意识形态敌人合作过的希拉里有机会重新开始。

    After years of gridlock, the domestic agenda is clear: tax reform, an overhaul of America’s broken immigration system and a boost to infrastructure. Mrs Clinton has a sound programme, though she would have to face down Mr Sanders and fellow Democrats bitterly opposed to a lowering of the headline corporate tax. She would also be wise to review her cynical U-turn on the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, a vital building bloc in the liberal world trade order and a bridge to hard-pressed allies in Asia, notably Japan.


    The 2016 election, more than any in recent memory, is a test for the legitimacy of the US political system, with profound implications for the liberal world order. Mrs Clinton carries enough baggage to fill a Boeing 747. She is not trusted by the majority of voters.


    But she is manifestly more competent than Mr Trump whose braggadocio, divisiveness and meanness are on daily display. Despite her faults, Mrs Clinton is eminently qualified to be the first woman elected to the White House. She has the Financial Times’ endorsement.


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