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    Republicans appeared likely to defy predictions and retain control of the US Senate on Tuesday, a remarkable turnabout from election eve forecasts.

    周二,美国共和党(Republican)似乎很有可能打破人们的预期,继续保持对美国参议院(US Senate)的控制,这一局面相对于大选前夕的预测可谓180度大转弯。

    Embattled Republicans such as Senator Richard Burr, chairman of the Senate intelligence committee, were re-elected in tough fights.

    包括参议院情报委员会主席理查德•伯尔(Richard Burr)在内,严阵以待的共和党人经过艰难的选战得以重新当选。

    Senator Marco Rubio, whose presidential bid fell short, beat his Democratic rival Patrick Murphy. Mr Rubio is regarded as a potential White House candidate in 2020, having declined to promise to serve his entire six-year Senate term.

    在总统初选中败北的参议员马尔科•鲁比奥(Marco Rubio)击败了民主党对手帕特里克•墨菲(Patrick Murphy)。被视为2020年潜在总统候选人的鲁比奥,已拒绝承诺干完整个为期六年的参议员任期。

    In Indiana, former Senator Evan Bayh was defeated in his bid to regain his seat for the Democrats. Mr Bayh, who held the seat through 2010, was hurt by his post-Senate career as a lobbyist, losing to Representative Todd Young.

    在印第安纳州,前参议员埃文•贝赫(Evan Bayh)在为民主党重新争取参议员席位的竞争中败北。贝赫此前持有该席位一直到2010年,他输在了不干参议员后去作游说者的经历上,击败他的是转而竞选参议员的现众议员托德•扬(Todd Young)。

    In a battle of current and former Wisconsin senators, incumbent Republican Senator Ron Johnson beat Democrat Russ Feingold, who previously served in the upper chamber.

    在威斯康星州现任参议员与前任参议员展开的一场竞争中,现任共和党参议员罗恩•约翰逊(Ron Johnson)击败了曾任参议员的民主党人拉斯•法因戈尔德(Russ Feingold)。

    The Senate is currently divided between 54 Republicans and 46 Democrats, with a total of 10 Democratic seats and 24 Republican up for grabs in Tuesday’s balloting.


    With Republican nominee Donald Trump leading at 11pm, the Republican performance in Senate races raised the prospect of single-party control of the US government for the first time since President Barack Obama’s first two years in office. The House of Representatives also remains in Republican hands.

    考虑到共和党总统候选人唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)在当地时间晚11点的投票统计结果中处于领先,共和党人在参议院竞选中的表现引出了美国政府被单一政党控制的可能性。这将是自美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)上任头两年之后美国政府首次出现这种格局。目前,众议院也在共和党的控制之下。

    The Senate outcome could deal a death blow to the pending Supreme Court nomination of Judge Merrick Garland, and could set up a test of duelling Republican agendas between a President-elect Trump and House speaker Paul Ryan.

    参议院的选举结果可能会对正悬而未决的任命梅里克•加兰(Merrick Garland)担任最高法院法官一事造成致命打击。

      上一篇:特朗普当选为新一届美国总统 下一篇:美大选投票站排长龙 等候选民可获免费暖心披萨


