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    Republican elders who had lined up to heap opprobrium on Donald Trump during his corrosive campaign came out one by one yesterday to congratulate him as the party emerged transformed from his victory.

    昨日,曾在唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)具有腐蚀性的竞选中公开指责他的共和党元老们,一个接一个地出面向特朗普表示祝贺。该党在特朗普获胜后转身。

    From the Bush family, which had a contentious relationship with Mr Trump, former President George HW Bush called the winner to wish him luck. Jeb Bush, who once called his former rival the “chaos candidate”, said he would pray for the billionaire.

    在曾与特朗普关系不佳的布什家族,前总统乔治·HW·布什(George HW Bush)给这位获胜者打了电话,祝他好运。曾在初选期间称特朗普为“混乱候选人”的杰布•布什(Jeb Bush)表示,他将为这位亿万富翁祈祷。

    Mitt Romney, who had called Mr Trump a “phoney, a fraud”, sent his best wishes. And Paul Ryan, the top-ranking official in Congress who refused to defend Mr Trump during his campaign, said the Republican “heard a voice out in this country that no one else heard”.

    曾把特朗普称为“骗子、假货”的米特•罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)向特朗普发出最美好的祝愿。国会中最资深的共和党官员保罗•瑞安(Paul Ryan)表示,共和党人特朗普“听到了这个国家发出的其他人没有听到的心声”。在特朗普竞选过程中,瑞安拒绝给予支持。

    Mr Ryan held a press conference yesterday as he attempted to heal a rift between his party establishment and Trump-inspired populists, an effort that began when he called Mr Trump and his running mate Mike Pence to congratulate them on Tuesday night.

    昨日,瑞安举行了一场记者招待会。他试图修复共和党建制派和受到特朗普鼓舞的民粹主义者之间的分歧,这种努力开始于周二晚,当时他给特朗普和他的竞选拍档迈克•彭斯(Mike Pence)打了祝贺电话。

    But his assertion that “Donald Trump will lead a unified Republican government” only served to highlight doubts about whether that will be the case — and whether Mr Ryan himself, a one-time golden boy and 2012 vice-presidential candidate, will survive.


    Mr Trump’s alleged sexual assaults and divisive attacks on women, Mexicans and Muslims alienated him from two groups: mainstream Republican lawmakers and ultraconservatives. So did his hostility to free trade, his aversion to reforming the expensive social security system and his support for fiscal plans that would send the national debt soaring.


    But his barnstorming victory, which consolidated Republican control of Congress and carried many vulnerable lawmakers to comfortable wins, leaves many in the party with the choice of embracing Mr Trump or being left out in the cold.


    Stephen Myrow, a former George W Bush administration official now at Beacon Policy Advisors, said that whatever reservations Republicans such as the Bushes had once harboured were now irrelevant.

    乔治·W·布什(George W Bush)政府官员、现供职于Beacon Policy Advisors的斯蒂芬•迈洛(Stephen Myrow)表示,无论布什家族等共和党人对特朗普曾有哪些保留意见,这些如今都无关紧要了。

    Senator John McCain, who rescinded his endorsement of Mr Trump over his vulgar comments about groping women, told supporters after being re-elected in Arizona: “I promise you, I will work as hard as I ever have, use all my knowledge and experience and relationships, and extend an open hand to our new president.”

    参议员约翰•麦凯恩(John McCain)曾因特朗普有关猥亵女性的粗俗言论而收回自己的支持。在亚利桑那州再次当选之后,麦凯恩告诉支持者们:“我向你们承诺,我将一如既往地努力工作,运用我的全部知识、经验和关系,并向我们的新总统伸出合作之手。”

      上一篇:美国新总统将要面临的经济形势 下一篇:安倍晋三计划下周与特朗普会晤


