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    Three and a half decades ago, a Yale student called Adam Glick tried to persuade his fellow students to embrace the freshly elected president Ronald Reagan.

    35年前,耶鲁大学(Yale)学生亚当•格利克(Adam Glick)试图说服同学接受刚刚当选为总统的罗纳德•里根(Ronald Reagan)。

    It was hard. Back in 1980 most of the establishment — and gilded students — sneered at the idea of a former B-list Hollywood actor in the Oval Office. Almost nobody guessed that Reagan might end up a Republican icon.


    Mr Glick is now a successful asset manager running a multibillion-dollar private fund. He feels a sense of déjà vu. The election of Donald Trump has left elites shocked and outraged — and Mr Glick is once again trying to tell friends (and fellow financiers) this is a mistake.

    格利克如今是一位成功的资产管理者,经营着一只数十亿美元的私募基金。他现在有似曾相识的感觉。唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)当选总统让精英们感到震惊而愤怒——而格利克再一次尝试着告诉朋友(以及金融界同行)这是不对的。

    Instead, he insists that what investors need to recognise is that the “wisdom of crowds” has given the next president a powerful mandate for change. As a result, in 30 years’ time, historians might see 2016, like 1980, as a big economic policy inflection point.


    Can this optimistic interpretation of events be correct? In some ways, it seems hard to believe. On the campaign trail Mr Trump seemed very different from Reagan. He has no experience of public office. He projects anger rather than optimism about an American “morning”. He does not seem inclined to collaborate with enemies. The Republican elite (mostly) shunned him. His personality is at best undisciplined and at worst abusive.


    But one striking detail about this week’s events is that his victory speech was calm and conciliatory. That might — just possibly — suggest Mr Trump the president will not be quite the same as Mr Trump the angry candidate. A second important detail is that the president-elect, like Reagan before him, appears to recognise that he needs to rely on advisers to compensate for his lack of policy knowledge. And if you look at the advisory team around him, it is possible to see a policy platform emerging that might indeed turn out to be bold.


    Nobody should describe this platform as Reaganism 2.0 or a free-market revolution. Mr Trump is deeply protectionist, reluctant to reform benefits such as Social Security and favours an extensive infrastructure programme. If implemented in full, which seems unlikely, these bold pledges would add $10tn to the public debt in the next decade. This (rightly) appals conservatives.


    But Mr Trump’s advisers are also batting around ideas that Reagan’s heirs can applaud. They want to cut personal taxes and slash corporate tax rates from 35 per cent to 15 per cent, a move that Anthony Scaramucci, one adviser to Mr Trump, thinks could boost corporate earnings by 30 per cent. Advisers such as Tom Barrack, of Colony Capital, want to fund infrastructure with public-private partnerships. They want to use tax incentives to repatriate companies’ overseas cash piles. They also plan widespread deregulation, ranging from a “bonfire of energy rules” to a reversal of new fiduciary rules for asset managers and a repeal of Obamacare, the US’s healthcare act.

    但是特朗普的顾问们也在介绍一些里根的信徒可能称赞的构想。他们想要削减个人税收,并把企业所得税税率从35%下调至15%,特朗普的顾问之一安东尼•斯卡拉穆齐(Anthony Scaramucci)认为,此举有望提高企业盈利30%。柯罗尼资本(Colony Capital)的汤姆•巴拉克(Tom Barrack)等顾问希望以公私合作伙伴关系的方式为基建提供资金。他们想利用税收激励来鼓励企业把囤积在海外的现金汇回美国。他们还计划大范围放宽管制,从“能源规则篝火”、到逆转针对资产管理公司的新的受托规则、以及废止“奥巴马医改”(Obamacare),美国的医保法律。

    This may look like a bewildering mix, knitted together only with populism. But what links them is a deep conviction that governments cannot reignite growth by relying on monetary policy alone. Rather, fiscal and supply-side reforms are needed. Indeed, Mr Trump’s advisers are so scornful of ultra-loose monetary policy that some are keen to push for the early exit of Janet Yellen as US Federal Reserve chair.

    这可能看起来像是令人困惑的组合——仅靠民粹主义编织到一起。但是贯穿这些主张的是一种深层次的信念,即政府无法仅仅依靠货币政策来重新激发增长。相反,政府需要进行财政和供应面改革。的确,特朗普的顾问如此仇视超宽松的货币政策,以至于一些人热衷于让珍妮特•耶伦(Janet Yellen)提早卸任美联储(Fed)主席。

    As a result, when historians look back at this week, they may well conclude that the most important inflection point is not about deregulation or tax cuts. Instead, the pendulum swing that matters is about the role of central banks. After all, the howl of voter anger shows with cruel clarity that it was a mistake to expect central bank policy experiments alone to deliver sustainable economic growth. That might now pave the way for a long-awaited recognition that central banks cannot — and should not — be the “only game in town”, to quote Mohamed El-Erian, chief economic adviser at Allianz. Fiscal and supply-side policy is now centre stage.

    因此,当未来历史学家回顾本周时,他们很可能得出结论认为,最重要的转折点并不关乎放宽管制或减税。相反,重要的改变关乎央行的角色。毕竟,选民的愤怒发泄无情地表明,指望单纯依靠央行政策实验来实现可持续经济增长的想法是错误的。现在,这可能为央行不能、也不应该成为“城里的唯一游戏”——借用安联(Allianz)首席经济顾问穆罕默德•埃尔-埃利安(Mohamed El-Erian)的话——这一期待已久的共识铺平道路。财政政策和供应面政策如今站上了舞台中央。

    If so, this is an inflection point that is long overdue. There is no guarantee that Mr Trump can corral his team to deliver; his personality may in the end prove too erratic, and his advisers’ economic policy dreams may ultimately collapse into foreign or domestic strife.


    But the fact that the stock market has rallied shows that Mr Glick is not the only asset manager who thinks he can smell a domestic economic policy turning point. Yes, he may turn out to be misguided. But investors discount this possibility at their peril, particularly after a year in which the elites have been wrongfooted so many times.


      上一篇:走向白宫的特朗普团队 下一篇:分析:中国可能试探特朗普底线


