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    WASHINGTON — For about $50, you can get a smartphone with a high-definition display, fast data service and, according to security contractors, a secret feature: a backdoor that sends all your text messages to China every 72 hours.


    Security contractors recently discovered preinstalled software in some Android phones that monitors where users go, whom they talk to and what they write in text messages. The American authorities say it is not clear whether this represents secretive data mining for advertising purposes or a Chinese government effort to collect intelligence.


    International customers and users of disposable or prepaid phones are the people most affected by the software. But the scope is unclear. The Chinese company that wrote the software, Shanghai Adups Technology Company, says its code runs on more than 700 million phones, cars and other smart devices. One American phone manufacturer, BLU Products, said that 120,000 of its phones had been affected and that it had updated the software to eliminate the feature.


    Kryptowire, the security firm that discovered the vulnerability, said the Adups software transmitted the full contents of text messages, contact lists, call logs, location information and other data to a Chinese server. The code comes preinstalled on phones and the surveillance is not disclosed to users, said Tom Karygiannis, a vice president of Kryptowire, which is based in Fairfax, Va. “Even if you wanted to, you wouldn’t have known about it,” he said.

    发现该漏洞的信息安全公司Kryptowire说,广升的软件将短信的全文、联系人名单、通话记录、位置信息,以及其他数据传输到一个中国的服务器上去。Kryptowire副总裁汤姆·卡拉吉安尼斯(Tom Karygiannis)说,代码是预装在手机上的,但没有向用户披露这种监视功能,Kryptowire公司位于弗吉尼亚州的费尔法克斯。“即使你想知道,你也不可能知道有这个东西,”他说。

    Security experts frequently discover vulnerabilities in consumer electronics, but this case is exceptional. It was not a bug. Rather, Adups intentionally designed the software to help a Chinese phone manufacturer monitor user behavior, according to a document that Adups provided to explain the problem to BLU executives. That version of the software was not intended for American phones, the company said.


    “This is a private company that made a mistake,” said Lily Lim, a lawyer in Palo Alto, Calif., who represents Adups.

    “这是家犯了错误的私人公司,”加利福尼亚州帕洛阿尔托的律师林丽丽(Lily Lim)说,她是广升的法律代理。

    The episode shows how companies throughout the technology supply chain can compromise privacy, with or without the knowledge of manufacturers or customers. It also offers a look at one way that Chinese companies — and by extension the government — can monitor cellphone behavior. For many years, the Chinese government has used a variety of methods to filter and track internet use and monitor online conversations. It requires technology companies that operate in China to follow strict rules. Ms. Lim said Adups was not affiliated with the Chinese government.


    At the heart of the issue is a special type of software, known as firmware, that tells phones how to operate. Adups provides the code that lets companies remotely update their firmware, an important function that is largely unseen by users. Normally, when a phone manufacturer updates its firmware, it tells customers what it is doing and whether it will use any personal information. Even if that is disclosed in long legal disclosures that customers routinely ignore, it is at least disclosed. That did not happen with the Adups software, Kryptowire said.


    According to its website, Adups provides software to two of the largest cellphone manufacturers in the world, ZTE and Huawei. Both are based in China.


    Samuel Ohev-Zion, the chief executive of the Florida-based BLU Products, said: “It was obviously something that we were not aware of. We moved very quickly to correct it.”

    位于佛罗里达州的BLU产品公司的首席执行官塞缪尔·奥赫夫-锡安(Samuel Ohev-Zion)说:“这显然是我们不知道的事情。我们非常迅速地进行了纠正。”

    He added that Adups had assured him that all of the information taken from BLU customers had been destroyed.


    The software was written at the request of an unidentified Chinese manufacturer that wanted the ability to store call logs, text messages and other data, according to the Adups document. Adups said the Chinese company used the data for customer support.


    Ms. Lim said the software was intended to help the Chinese client identify junk text messages and calls. She did not identify the company that requested it and said she did not know how many phones were affected. She said phone companies, not Adups, were responsible for disclosing privacy policies to users. “Adups was just there to provide functionality that the phone distributor asked for,” she said.


    Android phones run software that is developed by Google and distributed free for phone manufacturers to customize. A Google official said the company had told Adups to remove the surveillance ability from phones that run services like the Google Play store. That would not include devices in China, where hundreds of millions of people use Android phones but where Google does not operate because of censorship concerns.

    安卓手机用的软件是谷歌(Google)开发的,并免费提供给手机制造商按照自己的需要改制。一名谷歌负责人表示,公司曾告诉广升,让其把监视功能从运行Google Play商店等服务的手机上删除。但这不会包括中国的设备,虽然中国有数亿人使用安卓手机,但由于审查的原因,谷歌不在中国运营。

    Because Adups has not published a list of affected phones, it is not clear how users can determine whether their phones are vulnerable. “People who have some technical skills could,” Mr. Karygiannis, the Kryptowire vice president, said. “But the average consumer? No.”


    Ms. Lim said she did not know how customers could determine whether they were affected.


    Adups also provides what it calls “big data” services to help companies study their customers, “to know better about them, about what they like and what they use and there they come from and what they prefer to provide better service,” according to its website.


    Kryptowire discovered the problem through a combination of happenstance and curiosity. A researcher there bought an inexpensive phone, the BLU R1 HD, for a trip overseas. While setting up the phone, he noticed unusual network activity, Mr. Karygiannis said. Over the next week, analysts noticed that the phone was transmitting text messages to a server in Shanghai and was registered to Adups, according to a Kryptowire report.

    Kryptowire发现这个问题的过程既带有偶然性,也受到好奇心的驱使。卡拉吉安尼斯说,公司的一名研究员为一次海外旅行买了一部便宜的BLU R1 HD手机。在设置手机时,这名研究人员注意到不寻常的网络活动。据Kryptowire的报告,在接下来的一周里,分析师注意到该手机在向位于上海的一个服务器发送短信内容,该服务器注册在广升名下。

    Kryptowire took its findings to the United States government. It plans to make its report public as early as Tuesday.


    Marsha Catron, a spokeswoman for the Department of Homeland Security, said the agency “was recently made aware of the concerns discovered by Kryptowire and is working with our public and private sector partners to identify appropriate mitigation strategies.”

    美国国土安全部发言人玛莎·卡特伦(Marsha Catron)说,国土安全部“最近获悉了Kryptowire发现的问题,正在与我们的公共和私营部门合作伙伴一起确定适当的缓解策略。”

    Kryptowire is a Homeland Security contractor but analyzed the BLU phone independent of that contract.


    Mr. Ohev-Zion, the BLU chief executive, said he was confident that the problem had been resolved for his customers. “Today there is no BLU device that is collecting that information,” he said.


      上一篇:10月份中国零售总额增长放缓 下一篇:中国大宗商品期货涨势趋于结束


