美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)已敦促新当选总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)在俄罗斯偏离国际“价值观和准则”时“与之对抗”,并警告特朗普不要“图省事”与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)达成协议。
Speaking in Germany at a press conference with chancellor Angela Merkel, Mr Obama said he hoped Mr Trump would not simply take “a realpolitik approach” and “cut deals with Russia, even if it hurts people”.
奥巴马是在德国和德国总理安格拉•默克尔(Angela Merkel)一同出席一个新闻发布会时发表这一言论的。他说,他希望特朗普不会简单化地采取“现实政治路线”,“就算在会伤害人的情况下,也和俄罗斯达成协议”。
His call came as he and Ms Merkel emphasised their support for liberal democracy, freedom and free trade and the importance of the transatlantic alliance. They were speaking during a three-day farewell visit by Mr Obama to Ms Merkel, which on Friday will include an informal summit with the government heads of the UK, France, Spain and Italy.
Mr Obama also warned of the dangers of spreading cyber warfare, after what he said were Russian attacks on the US during the presidential election campaign. He said he had called Mr Putin and made clear there was a difference between intelligence gathering and “going after” targets.
He called for more international efforts so that “we don’t have a cyber arms race”. Expressing concern about the vulnerability of infrastructure, he said: “We must be careful that this does not become a lawless low-level battlefield.”
Mr Obama addressed widespread concerns in the US and Europe about Mr Trump, including fears that the president-elect might reduce America’s engagement with the world. He said he was “cautiously optimistic” because the “responsibilities of office” and the “extraordinary demands” placed on it by Americans and “people around the world” forced a president “to focus”.
Ms Merkel said she was approaching Mr Trump with “an open mind” and suggested that the atmosphere might change as the US was no longer in an election but in a post-election period. There was “an interest” in Europe and Germany “to co-operate well with the US . . . on the basis of shared values”.
She added that the planned TTIP transatlantic trade and investment agreement, opposed on both sides of the Atlantic, could not now be concluded but could return on to the agenda in future.
Ms Merkel declined to confirm reports she is planning soon to announce that she will stand for a fourth term as chancellor in next year’s parliamentary election.
The US President joked that while he did not normally “meddle” in other countries’ politics, if he were German he would vote for Ms Merkel.