Brazil went into mourning yesterday over the loss of 75 people, including most of the players of one the country’s up-and-coming football teams, in a plane crash near the Colombian city of Medellín.
Brazil’s soccer federation delayed all matches for a week and the nation’s feuding politicians put their infighting aside for a day to send their condolences to the families of players and officials from Chapecoense, a club based in the small city of Chapecó in the southern state of Santa Catarina. Three days of mourning have been declared in Brazil.
The Chapecoense players, along with team officials, journalists and others, were on their way to play Colombia’s Atlético Nacional in the final of the Copa Sudamericana when the aircraft crashed on its approach to Medellín airport, said police.
警方表示,这些沙佩科恩斯球队的球员正和球队官员、随队记者及其他人一道,前去与哥伦比亚的国民竞技队(Atlético Nacional)举行南美球会杯(Copa Sudamericana)足球赛的决赛。飞机在麦德林机场的进场航路上坠毁。
There were six survivors among the 72 passengers and nine crew aboard the aircraft, including four of the players, the authorities said. Alan Ruschel, a Chapecoense defender, has been confirmed as being among the survivors.
当局表示,飞机上72名乘客和9名机组人员中有6名幸存者,其中包括4名球员。沙佩科恩斯队的后卫阿兰•罗斯彻尔(Alan Ruschel)已确认是幸存者之一。
The tragedy marks a low point in a year in which Brazil is struggling to emerge from twin economic and political crises, with Latin America’s largest country mired in its worst recession and Congress impeaching leftist president Dilma Rousseff.
这一悲剧的发生标志着巴西跌至本年度低谷。今年巴西艰难摆脱经济和政治双重危机。这个拉美最大国家深陷史上最严重的衰退,同时巴西国会弹劾其左翼总统迪尔玛•罗塞夫(Dilma Rousseff)。
Her replacement as president, the centrist Michel Temer, rushed to give his condolences to the victims of the crash, in which a British Aerospace 146 short-haul aircraft, operated by Lamia, a Bolivian charter airline, came down in mountainous terrain.
接替她的临时总统、中间派的米歇尔•特梅尔(Michel Temer)迅速对空难受害者表示哀悼。在这次空难中,失事飞机是由玻利维亚包机航空公司Lamia运营的英国宇航146型(BAe 146)支线客机,飞机坠落在了一片多山地带。
“This was extremely sad news and the only thing we can do, apart from pray for the deceased, is provide support through the federal government to the families of the victims,” Mr Temer said.
Former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, leader of the leftist opposition Workers’ party (PT), urged Brazilian football to unite behind Chapecoense “at this moment of extreme sadness for all Brazilians”.
巴西前总统、左翼反对党工人党(Workers' Party)领导人路易斯•伊纳西奥•卢拉•达席尔瓦(Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva)敦促巴西足球界“在这个对所有巴西人都极度悲痛的时刻”团结在沙佩科恩斯球队的身后。
Juan Manuel Santos, Colombia’s president, described the disaster as “a tragedy that plunges us into mourning”.
哥伦比亚总统胡安•曼努埃尔•桑托斯(Juan Manuel Santos)形容这一灾难为“一场令我们坠入哀悼之中的悲剧”。
In Europe, FC Barcelona, where Neymar, Brazil’s soccer star, plays held a minute’s silence before training.
在欧洲,巴西球星内马尔(Neymar)所在的巴塞罗纳足球俱乐部(FC Barcelona)在训练前举行了一分钟的默哀仪式。
Early rescue efforts were hampered by poor visibility and weather conditions, and the crash site, close to the town of Cerro Gordo, could be reached only by land, according to news reports.