英国秘密情报局(Secret Intelligence Service,即军情六处)局长表示,国家后台的宣传、假新闻和颠覆对英国及其盟友的国家主权构成“根本性”威胁。
Although he did not name Russia, references in a rare public speech by Alex Younger, head of MI6, left little doubt he was referring to recent activities that many western spy agencies attribute to the Kremlin. “The risks are profound,” he said.
尽管没有点名俄罗斯,但军情六处(MI6)掌门人亚历克斯•扬格(Alex Younger)在难得的公开演讲中提到的最近一些活动,无疑被许多西方间谍机构认为出自克里姆林宫之手。“相关风险是深远的,”他说。
His warning comes after a deeply divisive US election campaign in which federal authorities said Russian intelligence sought to influence voters by discrediting Hillary Clinton.
他的警告是在美国经历了一场深层次分裂的总统竞选后发出的,其间美国联邦政府有关部门曾表示,俄罗斯情报机构寻求通过抹黑希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)来影响选民。
MI6 and Nato officials share significant concerns over what the Kremlin may do to disrupt or manipulate elections in Europe next year.
“The connectivity that is at the heart of globalisation can be exploited by states with hostile intent to further their aims deniably,” said Mr Younger.
Russia’s spy agencies are increasingly active in Europe, senior European intelligence officials recently told the FT.
Mr Younger said attempts to manipulate elections and distort public information fitted into “the dangerous phenomenon of hybrid warfare”, which was spreading in its use and effectiveness.
Hybrid warfare is now central to the way the Kremlin confronts countries it sees as strategic adversaries, such as the UK. It involves economic and information manipulation, and includes subversion and covert acts of destruction and destabilisation.
While many techniques now practised by Russia were used by the KGB, the internet has created powerful new methods of influence. “Data and the internet have turned our business on its head,” Mr Younger said.