唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)宣布有意让美国退出贸易协议《跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》(TPP)的最终影响尚不得而知。但是此举明显将给中国一个争夺亚洲经济领导权的突破口,还可能被该地区各国领导人视为美国放弃世界领袖责任的迹象。
The global progress of American economic and political values has been the dominant trend in human events since the end of the second world war. The US and its allies prospered greatly from it and are immeasurably more secure than in the prewar world, when we tried to isolate ourselves with, among other follies, protectionist trade policies.
To be sure, the changes wrought by liberalised international trade have not all been positive. Together with technology-driven productivity gains, it has contributed to job losses in industries and communities where manufacturing was once the main support of a thriving middle class. The US is still a leading manufacturer but fewer Americans are employed in those industries. That trend will continue whether or not we sign another trade agreement because productivity gains will continue. Most lost manufacturing jobs were made obsolete by technology innovations.
But turning aside opportunities to sell more goods and services overseas will add to job losses, not stem them. One in 12 American jobs is dependent on international trade.
To argue against the global economy is like stating opposition to the weather — it continues whether you like it or not. More than 95 per cent of the world’s consumers live outside the US. The global economy will become more accessible and competitive, whether we try to remove trade barriers or impose them. That is why withdrawing from TPP will hurt our ability to compete.
Barriers to trade in America are lower than in the other TPP countries and regulatory standards are higher. TPP would have removed more than 18,000 tariffs that had made our exports more expensive and less competitive in 11 Pacific Rim markets. More importantly, the agreement was designed as a model for future trade agreements by focusing on non-tariff barriers to trade, pursuing regulatory reform in areas such as intellectual property, labour and environment laws, and limiting government support for state-owned companies.
Beyond its economic benefits, TPP was to serve as an important part of the foundation of American leadership in the Asia-Pacific region. It would strengthen US alliances there and build new relationships based on mutual economic interests and increasingly shared geopolitical ones. Its collapse will benefit China.
Beijing is pushing its own trade agreement, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, with many countries that would have been in TPP. It is a less advantageous agreement than TPP for all the countries involved save China but it offers Beijing an easier way of sealing its regional ascendancy than its heavy-handed claims on disputed islands in the South China Sea.
Politics abhors a vacuum and Asian countries will gravitate towards China if US influence is perceived as declining. Rumours of the next administration’s intention to reduce the US military presence in Asia are shaping that perception, too, to China’s advantage.
It is a fool’s errand to try to recreate a mythical time when Fortress America was impregnable, unaffected by the world’s troubles. Instead, we should have faith in American leadership and the power of our values, including the advocacy of free trade, which have made the world and us safer, freer and richer.
The writer is a US senator and chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services
本文作者为美国参议员、美国参议院军事委员会(Senate Armed Services Committee)主席