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    Chinese state media lashed out at Donald Trump on Monday morning after the US president-elect openly questioned whether his administration would continue to respect the four-decade old “One China” policy.

    周一早晨,中国官方媒体对唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)的言论予以了抨击。这位美国当选总统此前公开质疑,他领导的下一届美国政府是否还要继续尊重坚持了40年之久的“一个中国”政策。

    Mr Trump’s comments, made on Fox News on Sunday, dramatically upped the ante just a week after he broke diplomatic precedent by accepting a phone call from Taiwan’s leader, Tsai Ying-wen.

    特朗普上周日在福克斯新闻频道(Fox News)发表的言论是一次大幅加大赌注之举。就在一周前,他打破外交惯例,接听了台湾领导人蔡英文(Tsai Ying-wen)打来的电话。

    A stinging editorial in the Global Times, the offshoot of the official People’s Daily, urged Mr Trump to “listen clearly, the One China policy cannot be traded”.

    中国官方报纸《人民日报》(People’s Daily)旗下的《环球时报》(Global Times)发表措辞严厉的社评,敦促特朗普“请听清:‘一个中国’不能买卖”。

    “China needs to wage resolute struggle against [Mr Trump],” it added, warning the president-elect that China “cannot be bullied easily”.


    Mr Trump’s latest remarks will severely test the patience of the Chinese government, which lodged an official protest over the call with Ms Tsai but was otherwise restrained, urging the incoming administration to respect the principles that have guided Sino-US relations since diplomatic ties were formally re-established in 1979.


    There was no immediate reaction from China’s foreign ministry, which holds a daily briefing at 3pm local time. Ms Tsai’s office declined to comment.


    The Chinese government has for decades required countries wishing to establish formal diplomatic relations to acknowledge that there is only one China and cut off official ties with Taiwan.


    Taiwan has in effect been independent since the Kuomintang party, which ruled China until 1949, fled there after losing to the Communists in China’s civil war. Both sides had since abided by the so-called “1992 consensus” in which they agreed there was only one China but disagreed on who was the country’s rightful representative. Beijing has since accused Ms Tsai, who led the pro-independence Democratic Progressive party to victory in last year’s presidential election, of violating that consensus.

    1949年,此前统治中国的国民党在中国内战中败给共产党,逃到了台湾。自那以来,台湾在事实上一直是独立的。后来台海两岸曾一直遵守所谓的“九二共识”,即两岸一致认为世界上只有一个中国,但对于谁是中国的合法代表持不同意见。蔡英文领导支持台独的民进党(Democratic Progressive party)在去年台湾总统选举中获胜后,北京方面一直谴责蔡违反了这一共识。

    In his remarks on Sunday, however, Mr Trump suggested the One China policy could in fact be treated as a bargaining chip, rather than as the bedrock of relations between the world’s two largest economies. “I don’t know why we have to be bound by the One China policy unless we make a deal with China on other things,” the president-elect said.


    The Global Times warned of severe consequences if the incoming US administration dispensed with the one China policy. In that case, the paper asked, “why should the Chinese government prioritise ‘peaceful reunification’ [with Taiwan] over ‘reunification by force’?”


    Shen Dingli, professor of international relations at Fudan University in Shanghai, said “Trump’s position is you can trade anything”, adding that the One China policy was often ambiguous. “We keep open trade ties with Taiwan even though we don’t recognise them and even though the US sells arms to them.”

    上海复旦大学(Fudan University)国际关系教授沈丁立表示,“特朗普的立场是什么都可以买卖”。他补充称,“一个中国”政策常常意向不明。“尽管我们不承认台湾,甚至美国向台湾出售武器,但我们一直与台湾保持开放的贸易关系。”

    According to Mr Trump, “other things” could include currency policy, Beijing’s military build-up in the South China Sea and improved co-operation in containing North Korea.


    “Look, we’re being hurt very badly by China with [currency] devaluation, with taxing us heavy at the borders when we don’t tax them, and building a massive fortress in the middle of the South China Sea,” Mr Trump said. “And frankly, they’re not helping us at all with North Korea.”


    China’s currency, the renminbi, strengthened by 30 per cent against the dollar in the decade to 2014, but has since lost about 15 per cent of its value against the greenback.


    The International Monetary Fund and most analysts believe the renminbi’s value is largely market-driven, although China’s central bank regularly intervenes to prevent the currency from falling even further against the dollar.


    Additional reporting by Archie Zhang in Beijing, Gloria Cheung in Hong Kong and David Lynch in Washington Archie

    Zhang北京、Glora Cheung香港、戴维林奇(David Lynch)华盛顿补充报道

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