Move over boutique houses. Home-grown investment banks are taking root within China’s tech groups, which are fostering in-house M&A groups to carry out their multi-billion dollar shopping sprees.
Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent— China’s internet trinity collectively known as BAT — are among the country’s biggest dealmakers, spending a combined $64bn on acquisitions in the past 18 months, according to Dealogic data.
The trio are home to alumni from Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street banks and now boast in-house banking units of 40 to 70 people apiece, according to industry players.
这三家企业中拥有许多曾在高盛(Goldman Sachs)等华尔街投行任职的员工,目前每一家都成立了40人至70人的内部投行部门。
The function reflects expanding portfolios of strategic and venture capital investments alongside a belief that investment banks increasingly lack the wherewithal to keep pace in the fast-changing world of tech.
“Investment banks nowadays have lost the capability to advise clients in M&A transactions,” said one in-house player. “In the internet world things are changing so fast that investment banks are finding it hard to keep up with the industrial logic of why certain M&A should or should not happen.”
While bankers in oil and gas or finance know these industries “as well as the industry guy running the business”, tech bankers know “maybe 1 per cent of what we know about our business”, the person added.
“It’s all DIY,” said Scott Likens, partner at PWC. “It’s partly about control, partly being flush with funds and partly not trusting foreign bankers or not wanting to give away money.”
“这一行全是DIY,”普华永道(PWC)合伙人李敬思(Scott Likens)说。“部分原因是为了掌控,部分原因是资金太多,还有部分原因在不信任外部人或不想花钱。”
However, bankers are quick to distinguish the BAT bankers from the big Chinese state-owned enterprises and other institutions that cut out bankers to skimp on fees. “I don’t want to do these small deals,” said one banker.
Some 65 of Tencent’s deals over the past 18 months were for less than $500m, according to Dealogic, compared with 75 bigger acquisitions; in Baidu’s case the split was 20 small deals versus just two above $500m.
Another banker points to the trio’s bulging pipelines of deals, from partnerships through to acquisitions. “If they were to complete everything they are working on today there will be a couple of hundred items in there,” said one banker. “For the substantial majority of these they would never hire an outsider.”
Added another: “The deals come to them. They are out looking but have enough prominence that they can sit around and look at 100 a day and choose one.”
The expanding functions in-house contrast with the shrinking world outside: big global banks have cut up to 15 per cent of their Asian investment bankers since 2012 as the gap between Asian M&A fees and those paid by western clients ballooned to its highest level in more than a decade.
The in-house deal teams are composed largely of former bankers, private equity executives and consultants. Prominent banking alumni include Tencent’s Martin Lau and James Mitchell, respectively president and chief strategy officer and both formerly of Goldman Sachs.
内部交易团队主要由前投行员工、私人股本公司高管和咨询顾问组成。知名的投行业同僚包括腾讯的刘炽平(Martin Lau)和詹姆斯•米切尔(James Mitchell),此二人都曾在高盛任职,目前分别担任腾讯的总裁和首席战略官。
Alibaba president Michael Evans and Douglas Feagin, who runs the international operations of Ant Financial, Alibaba’s online payments affiliate, also hailed from the US bank. Alibaba was an early player, hiring Wei Zhang — now president of Alibaba Pictures — as its first head of strategic investments in 2008. The team at Baidu is understood to be the smallest of the three.
阿里巴巴总裁迈克•埃文斯(Mike Evans)和集团在线支付业务子公司蚂蚁金服(Ant Financial)的国际业务负责人道格拉斯•费根(Douglas Feagin),也来自高盛。阿里巴巴是这方面的先行者,在2008年聘用张蔚——如今的阿里影业(Alibaba Pictures)总裁——担任集团的首位战略投资部负责人。据了解,百度的内部交易团队是三巨头中最小的。