While inefficiencies in resource allocation and deficiencies in innovation are likely to hamper realisation of the “Made in China 2025” plan, a deep pool of available funding and powerful political backing are set to elevate a clutch of Chinese manufacturers to the world’s top echelon, according to a report by The Mercator Institute for China Studies (Merics), a Berlin-based think-tank.
尽管资源配置低效和创新匮乏可能阻碍“中国制造2025”计划的实现,但柏林一家智库墨卡托中国研究中心(Mercator Institute for China Studies)的报告显示,大量资金来源和有力的政治支持将会把一批中国制造商推升至世界顶级水平。
“Even if Made in China 2025 will not fully accomplish its objective of achieving the widespread application of smart manufacturing in the next decade, the plan will develop an enormous impact that will be felt not only in China but throughout the global economy,” said the report, which is published on Wednesday.
“Industrial countries should have no illusions: Made in China 2025 will elevate a small but powerful group of Chinese manufacturers, dramatically increasing their competitiveness,” the report added.
The Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Japan and South Korea are most at risk from the strategy because each of them derives more than 40 per cent of the value of their industrial output from the high-tech and medium-tech industries that are targeted in China’s plan (see chart).
The Merics report, which was based on an examination of policy documents, expert journals and newspaper articles, as well as more than 60 interviews with Chinese experts, finds that one clear aim of the industrial strategy is to cultivate domestic champions to replace the sales by foreign companies in China.
“Industrial policy in China often entails measures to discriminate against foreign enterprises,” the Merics report said. “For instance, the national and local governments restrict access to public procurement and limit the possibility of inward-directed foreign-direct investment.”
Such measures are not yet prevalent in the areas of “smart” manufacturing, including robotics, industrial software, sensors and others, because most Chinese companies are currently too backward to benefit. But this could change as domestic companies climb the technology ladder and move into direct competition with foreign corporations in China.
Such an intent, the report says, can be seen in a semi-official document called Made in China 2025 Key Area Technology Roadmap, which has been endorsed by Ma Kai, a vice-premier and the official heading the interministerial Leading Small Group for Constructing a Manufacturing Superpower.
The semi-official document shows aggressive targets for market share in selected industries (see chart below), as well as the range of industries targeted.
Indications of strong state support are reinforced by funding being made available to spur Chinese innovation in smart manufacturing. The Advanced Manufacturing Fund, established this year, was approved by the State Council (cabinet) and is charged with spending its Rmb20bn allocation on upgrading the technology of important industries.
大量资金被用于激励智能制造领域的创新,这进一步显示出国家的大力支持。今年成立的“先进制造产业投资基金”(Advanced Manufacturing Fund)是经中国国务院批准的,肩负着利用200亿元人民币进行重点行业技术升级优化的使命。
Another fund, the National Integrated Circuit Fund, has capital of Rmb139bn at its disposal and the Emerging Industries Investment Fund, which was also approved by the State Council, has Rmb40bn to spend on promising domestic companies.
另一只基金——国家集成电路产业投资基金(National Integrated Circuit Fund)拥有1390亿元人民币的可支配资金,还有同样由国务院批准的新兴产业创业投资引导基金(Emerging Industries Investment Fund)有400亿元人民币用于扶持国内新秀企业。
The Merics report suggests that such assistance, plus the ability of some companies to undertake acquisitions of industry leaders overseas, is likely to catapult some Chinese manufacturing giants into the vanguard of global technology.
Home appliance firms such as Haier, Hisense, Midea and Gree are potential frontrunners, with each of them already engaged in turning their fridges, televisions, air conditioners, washing machines and other gadgets into “smart” products by adding internet connectivity that allows, for instance, consumers to order shopping from their fridge or control their washing machine from a mobile phone.
In the construction industry, companies such as Sany and Zoomlion, for example, possess advanced production processes while car component maker, Weichai, owns advanced hydraulic technology, and steelmaker Baosteel has developed several advanced techniques that make for greater precision and efficiency in steel smelting.
The confluence of funding for innovation, official support and access to overseas acquisitions is set to galvanise an already active patent application process among Chinese companies.
Although questions persist over the quality of Chinese patent applications filed, the predominance of filings outstanding (see chart) for traditional robots and communications devices such as wireless sensors and smart sensors shows a correlation with state support in these areas, according to the report. In advanced robots, however, Chinese technology remains well behind US and German technology.
The data above was collected for so called “Industry 4.0” products, which is to say products or technologies in the automation and data exchange categories, including the internet of things and cloud computing.