Yesterday’s move is the latest in a string of changes to the rules governing the demonetisation scheme since it was unveiled last month.
The finance ministry said customers would be allowed to make one payment of more than Rs5,000 ($74) before the December 30 deadline for exchanging money, but only after explaining why they had not done so in the previous six weeks.
It said: “It is expected that, by now, most of the people will have deposited such old notes in their possession. Keeping this in view, and to reduce the queues in the banks, it has now been decided that amounts exceeding Rs5,000 in old notes can be deposited only once between now and December 30 2016.”
Narendra Modi, India’s prime minister, announced on November 8 that banknotes worth Rs500 and Rs1,000 — about $7.50 and $15 — would cease to be legal overnight. He told those holding the old notes that they had until the end of the year to deposit them into bank accounts and that deposits over Rs250,000 would be flagged to income tax officials as part of his push to tackle India’s pervasive black economy.
11月8日,印度总理纳伦德拉•莫迪(Narendra Modi,见上图)宣布,面值为500卢比和1000卢比的纸币——分别相当于约7.5美元和15美元——将从午夜开始停止流通。他表示,持有旧钞票的民众必须在今年底之前将钞票存入银行账户,超过25万卢比的存款将由所得税官员审核,这是莫迪整治印度大规模黑色经济的努力的一部分。
Since then, the rules governing what can be deposited and withdrawn have changed many times as politicians and officials have reacted to the confusion and lengthy bank queues across the country.
Five days after the policy was first announced, the government raised the limit of how much old currency could be exchanged for new notes over the counter from Rs4,000 to Rs4,500. Four days after that, the limit was slashed to Rs2,000. A week later, the government stopped all exchanges completely, allowing customers only to deposit and withdraw in separate transactions.
The reasons given for carrying out the policy have also fluctuated. When Mr Modi first announced it, he highlighted cutting off a source of funding to terrorism as the main driver. After that, he stressed that this was more about recovering untaxed black money before the message again changed, to focus on encouraging Indians to carry out more digital payments.
Mr Modi again defended his move yesterday. Speaking at a rally in the state of Uttar Pradesh, where elections will be held next year, the prime minister gave details of a government lottery scheme to grant prizes to shops and customers who use electronic payment methods.
莫迪昨日再次为自己的政策辩护。在明年将举行选举的北方邦(Uttar Pradesh)的一次集会上发表演讲时,莫迪详细介绍了一项政府彩票计划,让使用电子支付方式的商店和顾客有机会中奖。
Mr Modi added: “I want to urge the intellectuals of the country to tell people about the resilience shown by Indians to support the demonetisation decision.
“History will not remember this move for which prime minister took this decision but for the fight waged by common people against black money.” Kiran Stacey, New Delhi