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    Some of the biggest law firms on Wall Street are scrambling to shore up their defences against cyber attacks, in the wake of a raid by Chinese hackers which led to millions of dollars of profits from insider trading.


    Preet Bharara, US attorney for the southern district of New York, this week charged three individuals who he said infiltrated law firms over a period of about 18 months by hacking in to networks and servers.

    纽约南区联邦检察官普里特•巴拉拉(Preet Bharara)本周对三人提出刑事控罪,他表示,这些人在大约18个月期间通过侵入网络和服务器,对律师事务所进行渗透。

    Once inside, the gang targeted the email accounts of senior partners who worked on mergers and acquisitions. They then bought stock in at least five publicly traded companies which were the target of deals, netting profits of about $4m once the transactions were announced.


    Reports of the probe earlier this year prompted law firms to try to plug gaps, efforts that are likely to be stepped up after the disclosure of criminal charges against the trio.


    On Wednesday, New York’s Department of Financial Services added to the urgency by updating a proposed rule on cyber security regulation, which is due to come into force in March.

    周三,纽约州金融服务管理局(New York State Department of Financial Services)更新了一项拟议的网络安全监管规则,该规则将于3月生效,此举加大了强化网络安全的紧迫性。

    The rule, the first in the US, requires banks and insurers to make certain that their systems, and the systems of third-party vendors such as law firms, can handle the risks associated with cyber threats.


    Two of the law firms advising on deals from which the hackers profited were Cravath, Swaine & Moore and Weil, Gotshal & Manges, according to announcements at the time. Both law firms declined to comment.

    根据当时公布的资料,让黑客得逞的为交易提供咨询的律所中,有两家是柯史莫法律事务所(Cravath, Swaine & Moore)和威嘉律师事务所(Weil, Gotshal & Manges)。这两家律所都拒绝置评。

    “It wasn’t us this time, but it could have been,” said a senior partner at another white-shoe law firm. “Every day people are trying to get in.”


    The action is the latest in a series of cases of so-called “outsider trading”, which watchdogs see as an increasingly serious threat to securities markets.


    Unlike classic insider trading, where executives trade stock based on material, non-public information learnt at the office, outsider traders typically have no connection to the company concerned and do not owe a fiduciary duty to anyone.


    Last August, US authorities charged a gang of Ukrainian hackers, alleging that they made $30m in illegal profits by trading on stolen information from 150,000 press releases before they were made public.


    That case inspired other Ukraine-based criminals to test the defences of big law firms, according to Flashpoint, an intelligence agency which says it picked up discussion on dark-web forums about a year ago.


    The company put out an alert in March raising awareness of the risk of so-called “spear phishing”, in which hackers use highly targeted emails to trick users into inadvertently downloading software which then attacks their machines.

    该公司在今年3月发出警告,旨在提升对所谓“鱼叉式网络钓鱼”(spear phishing)风险的认知,这是指黑客使用高度针对性的电子邮件欺骗用户在不经意间下载软件,这些软件随后攻击他们的机器。

    Similar techniques were used in the China attack, said the US government.


    Law firms were seen as “kind of a soft target, because of their perceived lack of proper security hygiene”, said Vitali Kremez, a New York-based analyst in Flashpoint’s cyber crime intelligence unit.

    闪点公司网络犯罪情报部门常驻纽约的分析师维塔利•克雷梅兹(Vitali Kremez)介绍说,律师事务所被视为“某种软目标,因为他们被认为缺乏恰当的安全防护”。

      上一篇:中国富豪提议将名画证券化 下一篇:中国黑客被控侵入华尔街律所


