There are 450 million real-name users on thepayment platform, and the new organ donationregistration service will streamline the process to less than 10 seconds for qualifiedvolunteers.
The report said a World Health Organization survey in China in December shows that about 83percent of those interviewed would like to become organ donors, while more than half of themwere reluctant to register, saying that they do not know where to register, and theprocedure is too tedious.

It is a very effective and unconventional way to mobilize society to put the registrationservice on the lifestyle application Zhifubao, Huang Jiefu, a former Chinese vice-minister ofhealth and current head of the National Human Organ Donation and Transplant Committee,was quoted as saying by the report.
China processed 2,950 organ donations in the first nine months of 2016, a 50 percent increasecompared to the previous year, the Xinhua News Agency cited data released by the NationalHealth and Family Planning Commission in October.
According to domestic tech news portal mydrivers.com's report, even after the registration,users can change their mind and withdraw their registration. But they will be allowed to re-register.