This new feature, dubbed "Xiaochengxu" (LittleProgram), allows WeChat users to find a variety ofservices such as ticket buying by scanning a quick-response code, saving them the trouble of installing a number of different apps on smartdevices, according to the transcript of a speech by Zhang Xiaolong, Tencent's senior executivevice president, last Wednesday.
Zhang, known as the father of WeChat, emphasized that Little Program is not a mobile appdistributing function.

Still, experts and app developers said that the rollout of Little Program on WeChat will erodethe market share of app distributors like Apple Store in China.
"Little Program will attract lots of start-ups, because a program based on WeChat can helpthem build up businesses at much lower costs," a Shanghai-based app developer, told theGlobal Times.
If a start-up wants to promote its business via a separate application, it has to hire a specialteam to develop two different apps - one each for iOS and Android.
Launched in 2011, WeChat has evolved to include services such as car-hailing, food deliveries,e-commerce and utility payments from just an instant messaging app.