This is the provocative claim advanced by Chinese central bank official Wang Zhenying in his ambitious new book, Principles of Transactional Economics, published last year by China Financial Publishing House.
The financial crisis has spawned a wide array of critiques of mainstream economics, but Mr Wang’s comes from a distinctly Chinese perspective.
At a book talk at the People’s Bank of China’s Shanghai headquarters, Mr Wang brought Chinese translations of western economics’ cornerstone texts — Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations, Alfred Marshall’s Principles of Economics, John Maynard Keynes’ The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, and Paul Samuelson’s seminal 1948 textbook — to illustrate his points.
在中国央行上海总部的一场图书介绍会上,王振营引用西方经济学经典文本——亚当•斯密(Adam Smith)的《国富论》(The Wealth of Nations)、艾尔弗雷德•马歇尔(Alfred Marshall)的《经济学原理》(Principles of Economics)、约翰•梅纳德•凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)的《就业、利息和货币通论》(The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money)和保罗•萨缪尔森(Paul Samuelson)于1948年出版的影响巨大的教科书——的中文译本来证明他的观点。
“Mainstream economists didn’t believe the world was in crisis (in 2007 and early 2008). The core issue was our theoretical framework, whose foundation was established at the beginning of the industrial revolution. It’s an extremely simple framework,” said the soft-spoken Mr Wang, who joined the PBoC in 1994 and currently serves as head of director of the survey and statistics department at the PBoC’s Shanghai headquarters.
Mr Wang entered university in 1979 at age 16, a member of the third student cohort following the end of the Cultural Revolution, when merit-based university admissions were halted. He is among the first students of mainstream western economics following an era in which Chinese scholars only studied Marxism.
His critique is informed by his experience growing up in a rural family in Henan province in the 1960s and 1970s. He recalled a spanking from his mother when, as a boy of six, he took his dinner from the stove before his older brother and uncle had come in from working in the fields. It was the first inkling of an economic theory that aims to take account of variables like self-sacrifice for family, which undermines mainstream economics’ conception of individuals as selfish utility maximisers.
“There have been many criticisms of mainstream economics and many proposed solutions. But they’re all basically fixes to the existing theoretical framework. They aren’t fundamentally new theoretical system, so they can’t really solve the problem.”
Mr Wang’s first critique of mainstream economics is that it posits the existence of undifferentiated economic actors — households and companies — that respond almost exclusively to price signals. This framework theory does not account for differences in how various actors make economic decisions.
Mr Wang criticises mainstream economics for neglecting the importance of balance sheets. Because each household and company has a unique balance sheet, they will not respond to price signals in the same way.
“Classical economics talked about the accumulation of wealth and how value was created. But neoclassical theory took this huge and complex theory and simplified down it into a narrow focus on prices. Prices have a core status. Everyone knows prices are important, but they’re not everything.”
His focus on balance sheets echoes Nomura economist Richard Koo’s theory of the balance-sheet recession.” Mr Koo used the theory to explain why highly indebted Japanese companies declined to borrow and invest in the 1990s, despite ultra-low interest rates.
他对资产负债表的关注与野村(Nomura)经济学家辜朝明(Richard Koo)的资产负债表衰退理论相吻合。辜朝明用这个理论解释了,为何高负债的日本企业在上世纪90年代拒绝借款和投资,尽管那时利率极低。
Substituting the concept of “economic actors” for that of “transactional bodies” can form the basis for a theory that can account for variables not captured in mainstream economics. That includes not only balance sheets, but also differences in market power between different entities, including government and large corporations.
Another blind spot in mainstream economics appeared to Mr Wang in the 1990s, as he observed the way Chinese state-owned enterprises continued to produce and sell, despite racking up huge losses.
The answer, of course, was that banks continued to lend to lossmaking SOEs, who had a political responsibility to maintain employment and social stability. This problem has re-emerged in recent years, after the government again called on SOEs to stimulate the economy in 2008.
While mainstream economics cannot account for this behaviour in terms of profit or market share maximisation, his theory’s focus on the special characteristics of various transactional bodies allows it to explain economic behaviour in centrally planned economies.