Yet this has happened repeatedly in the world’s shipping industry as it struggles to cope with an imbalance between supply and demand that is creating uncertainty and disruption both for shipping lines and for the companies that depend on them to carry their goods across the world.
“People are asking carriers for price increases just to make sure their cargos are actually shipped,” says Patrik Berglund, co-founder and chief executive of Xeneta, a Norwegian company that tracks container shipping rates.
追踪集装箱运费的挪威公司Xeneta的联合创始人和首席执行官帕特里克•贝里隆德(Patrik Berglund)说:“人们正促请航运公司提高价格,以确保自己的货物真的被装运。”
Such appeals have become routine. At last week’s Trans-Pacific Maritime Conference organised by the Journal of Commerce, an industry publication, in Long Beach, California, Rob Kusciel, head of transport and logistics at Honeywell, told delegates that “carriers are pricing below cost and it is not sustainable”.
此类请求已变成常态。最近,在由行业出版物《Journal of Commerce》在加州长滩主办的泛太平洋海运会议(Trans-Pacific Maritime Conference)上,霍尼韦尔(Honeywell)运输与物流主管Rob Kusciel对与会代表们表示:“承运人正把价格定在成本以下,这是不可持续的”。
Peter Levesque, chief executive of Modern Terminals, a container port operator based in Hong Kong, said the current pricing model was “broken” and that shipping companies were operating at rates that were unprofitable “to the level of strangulation”, the JOC reported.
据《Journal of Commerce》报道,总部位于香港的集装箱码头运营商——现代货柜码头公司(Modern Terminals)首席运营官彼得•莱韦斯克(Peter Levesque)表示,当前的定价模式“乱了套”,航运公司赖以维持经营的运费已经无利可图“至窒息的水平”。
This is despite the fact that the average cost of shipping a 40ft container from East Asia to the east coast of South America has risen from $500 to $3,285 over the past 12 months, according to Xeneta.
Indeed, 2017 has begun with a cascade of what should be good news for the shipping industry. Growth in emerging markets is surging ahead, rising to 6.4 per cent in January according to the Institute of International Finance, an industry association. Activity in the US and other developed markets is picking up, leading to a reported increase in capital expenditure globally with the prospect of rising demand for EM exports. An index of export managers’ activity compiled by China’s customs service rose to 41.5 in January from 32 a year earlier.
Yet the rise in container rates over the past year hides extreme price volatility. As the first chart shows, the cost of shipping a 40ft container from, say, Shanghai to Santos on a short-term contract has swung wildly over the past year, according to Xeneta’s data. The chart shows only the average cost: some shippers report paying as little as $50 or even $25 a container.
The danger for shippers of rates this low is that, sometimes, it hardly seems worth the carriers’ while to pick the containers up — so, sometimes, they do not.
“Imagine a vessel approaching Shanghai,” says Mr Berglund at Xeneta. “They look at the boxes on the dock and say that one yields so much, and that one yields a third of the amount. The low-yielding box will be the last one to be picked up.”
Exacerbating this situation is an industry practice of using unenforceable contracts: both shipper and carrier want flexibility on volumes, with the corollary that neither can hold the other to their word.
In normal times, things tend to balance out. But these are not normal times. The second chart shows the value of global trade since 1948, according to Unctad, the United Nations trade body. As globalisation advanced after the second world war, trade expanded on an almost unbroken trend.
By the first decade of this century, the pace of growth was faster than ever. To cope with rising volumes, shipping companies commissioned more and more ships, in ever bigger sizes. With economies of scale, shipping rates fell.
But then came the global financial crisis, followed by years of uncertainty and what many see as the current unravelling of globalisation. With the Trump administration in the US making promises of protectionism, the future of shipping has never been less certain.
The disruption of globalisation came at a time when ships were being built like never before. Yet when trade recovered after the global crisis, shipping lines again put in big orders. The global shipping industry now suffers from overcapacity on an unprecedented scale.
VesselsValue, a company that monitors the value of the world’s ships, says 2,028 container vessels are currently valued at or below their value as scrap metal, with the other 3,242 vessels in the world valued at more than scrap. In volume terms, 7.3m teus (20ft-equivalent units), or nearly a third of the global fleet, is at or below scrap, with 16.2m teus above.
The situation may be about to get worse. Alphaliner, a company that monitors ship construction, says total shipping capacity will grow by an average of 4 per cent a year in 2017 and 2018, on top of existing idle capacity of 7 per cent. The biggest problem is in mega-ships: more than 150 new ships with the ability to carry more than 10,000 teus at a time will be delivered by the end of next year.
What this means for the world’s shipyards is a separate story. Big shipping lines, where they can, have been cancelling orders. In a bid to keep container rates up, they have also cancelled sailings. Mr Berglund says that during this year’s Chinese new year celebrations, when volumes fall away, shipping lines from China to northern Europe pulled out as much as 43 per cent of their capacity.
The third chart compares short-term rates with long-term rates on the China to northern Europe route. The jumps in the short-term rates portray general rate increases, or GRIs, announced publicly by one shipping company after another, usually around the same time.
As the first and third charts show, GRIs tend to stick only for a while. Long-term rates, seen in the third chart, are more stable but tend to trail short-term rates with a lag. Recently, shipping lines have managed to impose higher long-term rates. The short line at the end of the third chart shows only those contracts agreed in the past three months.
Some shippers will be relieved to be paying real-world rates again. It means they can be more certain that their goods will be delivered.
“For many shippers rates fell so low as to be insignificant,” says Mr Berglund. “But then they started to suffer disruption to their supply chains. If your cargo is stuck at sea — and for a small company that can mean your entire stock — that’s a crisis. All of a sudden ocean freight became incredibly important, and that’s when prices picked up again.”
The biggest single disruptive event of recent times was last year’s collapse of Hanjin, a South Korean shipping line many of whose ships were left adrift for months. It can be seen in the jump in the China-northern Europe rate last October, which has stuck for longer than most.
近期最大的一起破坏性事件是去年韩国的韩进海运(Hanjin Shipping)破产,该公司的很多船舶滞留于海上数月之久。这体现于去年10月中国至北欧的运费猛涨,这一上涨的持续时间也超过多数航线。
But the Hanjin incident has not yet played out. Some of its capacity is still returning to the market. Short-term rates have begun falling again. Mr Berglund says the latest round of negotiations for the Asia-northern Europe corridor, which usually takes place at the end of each calendar year, has been abandoned by both sides because of the level of uncertainty.
“From the point of view of the shipping lines, which have been bleeding billions over the past few years, that makes sense,” he says. “From the shippers’ point of view, it’s a huge risk but I can understand it given the uncertainty.”
Both sides will be watching the fall in short-term rates shown in the third chart. If the past is any guide, it suggests long-term rates will fall again. Volatility, uncertainty and disruption may be back before long.