三星电子(Samsung Electronics)被判侵犯专利权成立,向中国的华为科技(Huawei Technologies)赔偿8000万元人民币(合1160万美元)。这家韩国企业正竭尽全力与全球最大手机市场上快速增长的本地玩家们展开竞争。
A Chinese court in Quanzhou, Fujian province, ordered three units of Samsung including Samsung China Investment to pay the sum for infringing a mobile technology patent held by Huawei’s handset unit, Huawei Device, Samsung said on Thursday. The lawsuit was filed by Huawei last June.
三星周四表示,福建省泉州市的一家中国法院判定,三星电子的三家附属企业——包括三星(中国)投资有限公司(Samsung China Investment)——需向华为赔偿上述金额,理由是侵犯了华为手机部门掌握的一项手机技术专利。华为是在去年6月提起诉讼的。
The world’s second-largest smartphone maker said it is the first verdict and will not affect its phone sales in China as it is expected to take years to reach the final conclusion. The company said in a statement it will “thoroughly review the court’s decision and determine appropriate responses”.
Samsung has lost ground in China to local competitors such as Huawei, Oppo and Vivo in recent years as Chinese companies offer relatively premium smartphones at affordable prices. Third-ranked Huawei launched its latest flagship smartphone in February, seeking to bolster its global presence with rival Samsung humbled by last year’s Galaxy Note 7 recall fiasco.
近年来,由于中国企业推出了价格可承受、质量相对优良的智能手机,三星在中国市场的地位已遭到华为、Oppo和Vivo等本土竞争对手的削弱。2月,全球第三大智能手机制造商华为推出了最新旗舰智能手机,旨在加强与对手三星的全球业务角逐。去年的Galaxy Note 7召回事件导致了三星的惨败。
Shares of Samsung fell 0.9 per cent on Thursday afternoon, underperforming a 0.5 per cent fall in the Kospi benchmark index.