这里就是曾经让美国伟大的地方。在这里,平房售价低至10万美元,还附带门前的杜鹃花丛;在这里,美国工具制造商还在生产“美国制造”的工具;在这里,许多人相信唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)真的能让美国再次伟大。
This is Kenosha, Wisconsin, one of a handful of rust belt counties that tilted toward Mr Trump last November, and gave the president his startling victory. And now he’s back in the working-class heart of his America, with his 100th day in office on the horizon, to trumpet his progress toward #MAGA — the gagging Twitter acronym for his most famous campaign mantra: Make America Great Again.
He has come to Snap-on, which designs and makes high-end tools, to slip under the 100-day wire with a new executive order aimed at delivering on the cornerstone promise of his campaign: that places like this — where factories have been closing and livelihoods declining for decades due to globalisation (among other things) — will be rebuilt through the simple credo of “Buy American/Hire American”.
Hundreds of Snap-on employees — their made-in-Asia smartphones lifted high for shots — watch as he signs the newest in an avalanche of executive orders hastily drawn up to give the appearance of a productive 100 days. Mr Trump promises that this one will ensure foreign workers cannot steal jobs from Americans; and that the government cannot squander taxpayer money on foreign goods.
“I’ve been thinking what he just said for decades: to finally have someone say we should be buying American products and using American stuff,” Greg Chapman, businessman and Snap-on consultant, pauses to register his delight at the mere thought of it.
实耐宝的顾问、商人格雷格•查普曼(Greg Chapman)表示:“他刚刚说的这些话,我已经在心中想了几十年:终于有人说我们应该买美国产品、用美国货。”他顿了一下,以表示他一想到这一点就欣喜不已。
Mr Chapman, who did not vote Trump and would not do so now, still likes this particular message. But he also knows a stump speech when he hears one. “Will anything really change?” he asks.
The executive order mandates a review of the procedure for awarding H-1B visas, used by many technology and outsourcing companies to bring in foreign workers, and tougher enforcement of existing America-first government procurement laws. In other words, on its own it changes nothing. But that’s not the way Mr Trump tells it.
That’s not the way he tells the jobs story either: he tells it with capital letters on Twitter. Last month, the president claimed credit for a $1.2bn investment by Ford, tweeting “Cars companies coming back to US. JOBS! JOBS! JOBS!” at least an hour before the automaker announced it. And, like almost all his claims about restoring jobs to the US car industry, this investment had nothing to do with him: it was in the works years ago.
关于就业他也不是这样说的:他在Twitter上用大写字母昭告天下。上个月,特朗普将福特(Ford) 12亿美元投资的功劳据为己有,在Twitter上发帖称“车企回到美国了。就业!就业!就业!(Cars companies coming back to US. JOBS! JOBS! JOBS!)”,发帖时间至少是在福特宣布消息一个小时前。与几乎所有他宣称将就业带回美国汽车行业的事例一样,这项投资与他毫无关系:该计划早在几年前就在制定中了。
But even so, as they reflect on his imminent 100th day, Trump supporters at the Kenosha event are delighted with his progress. “I feel very positive. He’s done a lot of things, they are still working on Obamacare and tax reform, but a lot of things are getting done behind the scenes that people aren’t aware of,” says Erin Decker, chairwoman of Kenosha county’s Republican party.
尽管如此,特朗普上任即将满百天之际正在反思的特朗普的支持者们,在威斯康星州基诺沙的活动上对他所取得的进步感到高兴。基诺沙的共和党女主席埃琳•德克尔(Erin Decker)表示:“我感到非常满意。他做了很多事情,奥巴马医改和税制改革的事情他们还在努力,但很多不为人知的事情正在幕后完成。”
“Trump supporters know that he is doing a good job, he is going to make America great again. Others will see what we mean when he gets it done. I hear stories about how people didn’t take Ronald Reagan seriously as a president at first and look what a great president he turned out to be,” she adds.
她补充称:“特朗普的支持者知道,他做得不错,他将让美国再次变得伟大。当他实现这一点时,其他人会明白我们在说什么。我听说,罗纳德•里根(Ronald Reagan)刚当上总统时,人们也不把他当一回事,但事实证明他是一位伟大的总统。”
So, while there could be signs of a backlash against the Trump presidency elsewhere, in Kenosha no one is sweating the small stuff. A recent Marquette University poll of Wisconsin voters found that 90 per cent of Republicans have a favourable opinion of Mr Trump, compared with two-thirds in October. Democrats hate him more than ever, but Republicans are keener.
因此,尽管其他地区可能存在针对特朗普担任总统的反弹,但在基诺沙,没有人为这些小事烦恼。最近马凯特大学(Marquette University)对威斯康星州选民所做的调查发现,有90%的共和党人对特朗普有好感,去年10月这一比例为三分之二。民主党人对他的憎恨超过任何时候,但共和党人却更喜欢他了。
Mr Trump knows how to talk the talk of the industrial heartland. And he has a direct line to it, through the twittersphere. Eventually, he’ll have to prove he can walk the rust belt walk too. But to judge from his recent Kenosha event, the president’s 100-days legacy is secure: Trump supporters in middle America seem inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt on making America great again — whatever anyone else thinks.