Workers clock in at 8.30am (dawdlers are sent an email), lights are dimmed at noon and noisy printing of documents prohibited until 2pm, so they can pull out cots and snooze.
The Chinese telecoms giant’s views on the bottom line betray a similarly collectivist bent: Huawei “does not pursue high profitability; we share our profits with our customers and industry partners”, it says.
Yet there is an intriguing blend here of high-growth tech behemoth and a socialist indifference to making money.
The mixture has produced success for a company that brought in Rmb521.6bn ($75.6bn) in sales last year. At the same time, as revenues jumped 32 per cent, net profits barely budged, whittling margins back to 7 per cent.
Its handsets are the third most popular globally, trailing just Apple and Samsung, and are now ranked top in China, according to the IDC research firm — overtaking shipments of its nearest rival Oppo in the first quarter, with a 20 per cent share. On the enterprise side, its network infrastructure equipment is used by telecoms carriers across much of the globe, pummelling Ericsson and the Alcatel-Lucent-bolstered Nokia.
But the US, rattled at the prospect of entrusting its communications network to a company founded by a former People’s Liberation Army officer and with what it sees as state links, remains a holdout here.
So great are American concerns that when Japan’s SoftBank bought Sprint Nextel in 2013, it had to pledge not to use equipment made by the employee-owned Chinese company and rip out Huawei kit used by Clearwire, a data network operator being acquired by Sprint.
就因为美国顾虑重重,2013年日本的软银(SoftBank)收购Sprint Nextel时,只得承诺不使用华为的设备——尽管华为是一家员工持股的公司——并将淘汰Sprint当时正在收购的数据网络运营商Clearwire所使用的华为设备。
That did not please Masayoshi Son, according to a person close to the Japanese group’s founder. He was an early fan of Huawei telecoms gear, figuring any supplier to China’s massive carriers would achieve pricing advantages wrought by massive economies of scale.
一名接近软银创始人孙正义(Masayoshi Son)的人士表示,这种安排并不合孙正义的心意。作为华为电信设备的一名早期粉丝,孙正义认为,中国电信运营商一律体量庞大,任何为它们供应设备的企业都可享受到巨大规模经济带来的定价优势。
Undeterred, Huawei’s sights are firmly set on the global stage. It is building out from handsets and network kit into new business lines, including cloud services, for which it is hiring about 2,000 people this year, while rolling out portable radio masts in congested areas. This month, it is set to expand in the beleaguered PC market with a new laptop, undeterred by slumping sales and the demise of smaller players.
“On the smartphone side, the volumes look great,” says David McQueen, research director at ABI Research, who attended Huawei’s recent analyst meeting in Shenzhen, the fishing village turned tech metropolis across the border from Hong Kong. “They need to bring it up another notch to really catch up with Apple and Samsung in the next generation.”
“在智能手机方面,华为的销量看起来非常大,”ABI研究中心(ABI Research)研究总监戴维•麦奎因(David McQueen)说,他参加了华为近日在深圳举行的分析师会议。“未来一代人时间里,他们需要更上一层楼,才能真正追赶上苹果和三星。”
The handset division, contributing roughly a quarter of revenues, probably lost money last year, on the back of slashed prices and ramped-up marketing spend, reckons Richard Windsor, founder of research consultancy Radio Free Mobile.
研究咨询公司Radio Free Mobile的创始人理查德•温莎(Richard Windsor)推测,由于降价和营销费用增加的缘故,为集团贡献约三分之一营收的华为手机业务去年很可能亏损了。
But beyond the paternalistic platitudes, Huawei has taken a tougher stance. Founder and deputy chairman Ren Zhengfei, in an internal memo published by Reuters, railed against unproductive staff.
Speaking at this month’s analyst conference, Shao Yang, president of strategy marketing at the consumer business group, said the company would slim down its handset model portfolio — which currently runs to 22 — and get out of smaller countries where it cannot gain big market share.
Some advocate tougher action for the unit, which remains part of Huawei only because an abortive auction in 2008 failed to attract enough bidders. Mr Windsor suggests a tie-up with an internet titan such as Baidu or Tencent to help plug its service gap in China, and increasing the marketing of its lower-priced Honor brand in developed markets.
But for now, “Huawei does not have the stomach or the resources to wade through the rivers of red ink that it will take to knock Samsung off its perch,” he wrote in a note to clients.
Others point to weaknesses elsewhere in the global footprint, including south-east Asia and India. Winning share in India means spending big, says Neil Shah, director at Counterpoint Technology Market Research, noting that rivals such as Oppo and Vivo are shelling out hundreds of millions of dollars on Bollywood and cricket sponsorships.
还有人指出,在包括东南亚和印度在内的其他地区,华为的海外扩张脚步显得乏力。对位科技市场研究(Counterpoint Technology Market Research)的董事尼尔•沙阿(Neil Shah)指出,要想在印度夺取市场份额就得烧钱,比如说华为的竞争对手OPPO和vivo在宝莱坞和板球赞助方面已经投了数亿美元。
For its part, Huawei concedes there is scope to build a stronger ecosystem. “I think we need to learn from Apple,” says Mr Shao. “The business is like a tree: components are the roots, devices the tree trunks and data, payments, content aggregation the branches.”
At the roots, it is manufacturing more sophisticated chips in-house; for the branches there is private cloud storage — where more than 40m photos a day are being uploaded — and mobile payments. It is also looking to beef up video offerings.
Huawei Pay is another catch-up step, tapping into a $5.5tn business that is dominated by Alibaba and Tencent. But for now, it is tiny and can only be used mainly on transport; even the coffee shop on campus accepts only its rivals’ payments.
推出Huawei Pay也是一项追赶的措施,希望打进有5.5万亿美元规模、已被阿里巴巴(Alibaba)和腾讯(Tencent)占据主导地位的移动支付市场。但眼下华为这项业务规模还很小,并且主要在交通工具上使用,即便是华为园区的咖啡店也只接受竞争对手的支付服务。
Similarly, Huawei has nearly 200m consumers using its domestic cloud. But this is far from a profitable business line in China: Alibaba, the internet group that has the biggest market share, lost $5 on every $100 of sales of cloud services last year. Tencent, also chasing a slice of the markets, took on a contract from one provincial government for one fen (Rmb0.01).
But all the talk about the cloud, radio masts and enterprise is at the heart of the tensions at Huawei, says Mr Shah. A common theme at their investor days is that discussions about smartphones are confined to only 2-3 per cent of the time.
“This shows the rotating CEOs never see consumer as a huge part of the business,” he says. “There’s some mismatch between what the consumer business is trying to drive fast and what the overall leadership team has focused on.”
Current chief executive Eric Xu certainly shows little love for the consumer business. In another business contradiction that typifies the dichotomies within Huawei, he abruptly dismissed the smartwatch in a Gerald Ratner moment — undeterred that he led a company that made them.
目前轮值的首席执行官徐直军(Eric Xu)就显得对消费者业务无感。他曾突兀地表现得不把智能手表放在眼里,一点不考虑他所领导的公司自己在生产这类产品,简直就是杰拉尔德•拉特纳(Gerald Ratner,是一位曾因嘲笑自己企业的产品而导致企业业务一蹶不振的首席执行官——译者注)化身,这是在公司业务上的又一个矛盾行为,体现了华为内部的分歧。
“I’m not a man who wears watches,” he said.” And I’ve never been optimistic about this market.”