近70年前,林亮(LT Lam)制造了香港第一只塑料小黄鸭,如今他在中国内地的工厂大量生产各种玩具产品,从变形金刚(Transformer)到培乐多(Play-Doh)。
But with costs rising in China and the industry fragmenting because of technological advances and changing consumer tastes, the 93-year-old worries that Hong Kong could lose its decades-long role at the heart of the global toy industry.
“We started with nothing but our 10 fingers and our fighting spirit,” he says. “I think we still have some good opportunities for the next five to 10 years, but the contract manufacturing business is declining.”
Generations of children grew up in the 1970s and 1980s with “made in Hong Kong” toys, from Star Wars and GI Joe action figures to Rubiks Cubes and water pistols.
上世纪70和80年代,“香港制造”的玩具——从《星球大战》(Star Wars)和《特种部队》(GI Joe)中的战士玩偶到魔方和玩具喷水枪——陪伴了一代又一代儿童的成长。
The manufacturing shifted to neighbouring Guangdong province in mainland China, where wages were substantially lower, from the early 1980s onwards.
But Hong Kongers such as Mr Lam and Francis Choi, known as the “king of toys”, still control the Chinese factories that produce much of the output for global industry leaders such as Hasbro and Mattel.
但林亮、“玩具大王”蔡志明(Francis Choi)等香港人仍然控制着这些内地工厂,为孩之宝(Hasbro)、美泰(Mattel)等全球玩具行业领先企业加工大部分产品。
Dominic Tam, president of the Toy Manufacturers Association of Hong Kong, estimates that about two-thirds of the world’s toys are made by Hong Kong companies operating in mainland China and employing hundreds of thousands of people.
香港玩具厂商会(Toy Manufacturers Association of Hong Kong)会长谭祖德(Dominic Tam)估计,全球约三分之二的玩具由在内地运营的香港公司制造,这些工厂总共雇用了数十万工人。
The global toy industry is worth roughly $90bn, with sales in the biggest market, the US, of $20bn last year, according to NPD, a data analysis company.
Although sales have been growing at a rate of about 3 per cent a year since 2011, traditional Hong Kong toymakers such as Mr Lam’s Forward Winsome and Mr Choi’s Early Light Industrial remain under constant pressure.
虽然自2011年以来玩具销售一直以每年约3%的速度增长,但林亮的永和实业(Forward Winsome)、蔡志明的旭日实业(Early Light Industrial)等香港传统玩具制造商仍面临持续的压力。
While low-cost Chinese rivals are snapping at their heels, their customers are squeezing profit margins and demanding more stringent safety and labour standards after a series of product recalls and worker maltreatment scandals in the past decade.
“Hong Kong companies have a reputation for strong business ethics and our international partners trust us to respect their intellectual property rights,” says John Tong, a factory owner and chairman of the Hong Kong Toys Council, another industry lobby group. “But there’s tremendous price pressure and the Chinese will catch up eventually.”
“香港公司在商业伦理方面有很好的声誉,我们的国际伙伴信任我们尊重他们的知识产权,”另一家行业游说组织香港玩具协会(Hong Kong Toys Council)主席、玩具企业家汤诚正(John Tong)说,“但价格压力巨大,内地企业最终将赶上。”
Hong Kong toymakers are also suffering because of the increasingly short life cycle of products, mirroring the rise of the fast fashion sold by Zara and H&M. About a third of US toys are licensed products linked to hit Hollywood films, television shows or computer games.
But while older brands such as Star Wars and Transformers have maintained their buzz for decades, newer ones such as Frozen, Angry Birds and Finding Dory have a much shorter shelf life.
但是,虽然《星球大战》、《变形金刚》等老品牌几十年热度不减,但《冰雪奇缘》(Frozen)、《愤怒的小鸟》(Angry Birds)、寻找多莉(Finding Dory)等新品牌的生命周期却要短得多。
“The popular licences rarely last longer than a few years because there’s too much choice,” says Mr Tong. “Frozen had a good two-year run but Pokémon only lived for three to six months and didn’t drive that many product sales.”
A case in point is Playmates, a Hong Kong-listed company that makes the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figures. It sales have soared and plummeted over recent years, depending on the movie release schedule.
一个恰当的例子是彩星集团有限公司(Playmates),这家香港上市的公司生产《忍者神龟》(Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)动作玩偶。取决于电影上映的时间安排,该公司的销售额近年大起大落。
The increasing use of smartphones and tablets represents another big challenge to the industry, especially for companies targeting those over six years of age, who are spending more time with electronic products.
Some Hong Kong companies such as VTech are responding by producing smart toys, for example simple laptops and smartwatches designed to promote early learning.
More traditional manufacturers such as Mr Lam, who still carries the mould of his first plastic duck with him, are sticking to what they know.
“There are several hundred million children in China and they can’t all play computer games,” says Mr Lam, who is launching a new version of his yellow plastic duck aimed at the Chinese market.
But Mr Tong says the only sustainable future for Hong Kong toymakers is for them to move into branding and marketing rather than just contract manufacturing, following in the footsteps of the Japanese companies that dominated global toy exports before the 1970s.
“These Japanese companies now have great influence on culture worldwide,” he says. “In future, we can’t just produce for Lego, Mattel and Hasbro, we have to evolve.”