穆迪投资者服务公司(Moody’s Investor Services)下调了中国的信用评级,理由是它预期随着债务的上升未来几年中国的财政实力会“受到一定程度的损害”,但它同时将其对中国的展望从负面调整为稳定。
That has put Chinese stocks on track for one of their biggest one-day drops this year and has seen the country’s currency weaken in morning trade.
The cut to China’s long-term local currency rating to A1 from Aa3 puts the country on par with Czech Republic, Estonia, Israel, Japan and Saudi Arabia.
China’s A1 rating now puts it one notch below other sovereign borrowers, including Taiwan and Macau, and one notch above the likes of Bermuda, Botswana, Poland and Slovakia.
In justifying its move, Moody’s said China’s potential growth is likely to fall in coming years, making the economy increasingly reliant on policy stimulus. Moody’s continued: At least over the near term, with monetary policy limited by the risk of fuelling renewed capital outflows, the burden of supporting growth will fall largely on fiscal policy, with spending by government and government-related entities — including policy banks and state-owned enterprises (SOEs) — rising.
Such stimulus will only add to rising debt across the whole economy, the Moody’s warned.
Economy-wide debt is also expected to increase further over coming years, and a planned reform programme will not have “sufficient impact, sufficiently quickly to contain the erosion of credit strength associated with the combination of rising economy-wide leverage and slower growth.”
The move brings Moody’s in line with rival agency Fitch, which has had an equivalent A+ rating on China since November 2007. Standard & Poor’s most recently upgraded China’s rating to AA-, which is equivalent to one notch above Moody’s new rating.
此次下调后,穆迪对中国的评级与对手机构惠誉(Fitch)达到一致。惠誉自2007年11月以来对中国的评级为A+,与穆迪的A1相当。标准普尔(Standard & Poor's)最近将中国的评级上调至AA-,相当于比穆迪的最新评级高一档。