中国和欧盟建立了一个应对气候变化的绿色联盟,以反制唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)退出国际行动的尝试。
In a stark realignment of forces, documents seen by the Financial Times show that Beijing and Brussels have agreed to measures to accelerate what they call the “irreversible” shift away from fossil fuels and the “historic achievement” of the Paris climate accord.
Their collaboration is to be revealed on Friday at a summit of EU leaders with China’s Premier Li Keqiang in the same week that Mr Trump has said he will end months of indecision over whether to pull the US out of the Paris agreement.
The move comes days after a tense G7 summit in Italy that ended with Mr Trump at loggerheads with other leaders on the Paris deal and trade.
The sour mood intensified after German chancellor Angela Merkel later hinted at a deeper transatlantic rift by saying Europe could no longer “fully count on others” and needed to “fight for our own future ourselves”.
不和睦气氛在会后加剧,德国总理安格拉•默克尔(Angela Merkel)暗示大西洋两岸的分歧深化,表示欧洲不再能够“完全依靠别人”,而需要“为我们自己的未来而奋斗”。
The alliance struck by the EU and China is a concrete expression of international frustration with Mr Trump, who has already moved to undo measures his predecessor, Barack Obama, agreed as part of the Paris deal adopted by almost every country in the world in December 2015.
欧盟和中国结成的联盟是国际社会对特朗普感到沮丧的明确信号。特朗普已采取行动逆转他的前任巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)作为巴黎协定的一部分同意的措施;2015年12月,世界上几乎所有国家都签署了这份协定。
The joint statement agreed by Beijing and Brussels for Friday’s summit, seen by the FT, says the two sides are “determined to forge ahead” with measures to “lead the energy transition” towards a global low economy.
The EU, home to the world’s largest carbon market, has agreed to give China €10m to support its plan to roll out a national emissions trading system this year in a move officials say will hasten the possibility of linking the two schemes.
Separately, two countries have agreed to look at helping the world’s poorest countries to develop greener economies.
This move could prove important in maintaining developing country support for the Paris deal if Mr Trump withdraws the US from the accord.
Mr Trump tweeted on Wednesday: “I will be announcing my decision on the Paris Accord over the next few days. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” Axios, the website, and other US media outlets have reported that Mr Trump has decided that the US should withdraw from the accord.
Mr Trump’s advisers are deeply split over whether he should follow through on his campaign pledge to quit the Paris accord. Steve Bannon, his chief strategist who leads the economic nationalist camp, has been the leading advocate for withdrawal along with a big group of Republican senators. But Gary Cohn, head of the White House national economic council, Rex Tillerson, secretary of state, and Mr Trump’s daughter Ivanka, are trying to persuade the president not to withdraw.
对于他应不应该兑现退出巴黎协定的竞选承诺,特朗普的顾问们深陷分歧。他的首席战略师、领导经济民族主义阵营的史蒂夫•班农(Steve Bannon)一直是退出的旗手,支持他的是一大批共和党参议员。但是,白宫国家经济委员会主席加里•科恩(Gary Cohn)、国务卿雷克斯•蒂勒森(Rex Tillerson)以及特朗普的女儿伊万卡(Ivanka)正在试图说服总统不要退出。
The US under Mr Obama was a major contributor to international climate financing programmes. Many developing countries have submitted climate plans for the Paris agreement that are contingent on receiving international funding.
The EU and China have also agreed to co-operate on the deployment of electric cars, energy-efficiency labelling and scientific research into green innovation.
They will also work on ways to spur the growth of renewable energy, such as boosting interconnected power networks.
The EU-China collaboration began at UN climate talks in the Moroccan city of Marrakesh, but were jolted by the unexpected election victory of Mr Trump, who once called global warming a Chinese “hoax”.
The agreement was negotiated by China’s special representative on climate change, Xie Zhenhua, and the EU’s climate and energy commissioner, Miguel Arias Cañete.
这一协议是由中国气候变化事务特别代表解振华和欧盟气候与能源专员米格尔•阿里亚斯•卡涅特(Miguel Arias Cañete)谈判达成的。
In their joint statement, the EU and China said “the increasing impacts of climate change require a decisive response”.
“Tackling climate change and reforming our energy systems are significant drivers of job creation, investment opportunities and economic growth,” they added.
Wendel Trio, of Climate Action Network, said co-operation between Brussels and Beijing to support vulnerable countries would be “one of the interesting breakthroughs” and went “beyond the traditional divide” on climate change between developed and developing nations.
“气候行动网络”(Climate Action Network)的温德尔•特里奥(Wendel Trio)表示,布鲁塞尔与北京之间为支持脆弱国家而进行的合作将是“有意思的突破之一”,超越了发达国家和发展中国家在气候变化问题上的“传统鸿沟”。