一些最伟大的产品始于设计师一闪而过的灵感。其他则是技术突破的结果。在10年前的本周开始销售的苹果(Apple) iPhone始于怨恨。
“It began because Steve hated this guy at Microsoft,” said Scott Forstall, Apple’s former software chief and one of the top deputies to the company’s late co-founder Steve Jobs.
已故联合创始人史蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)的高级副手之一、苹果前首席软件师斯科特•福斯托(Scott Forstall)表示:“之所以开始设计iPhone,是因为史蒂夫讨厌微软(Microsoft)的这个家伙”。
The touchscreen era began 10 years ago on June 29, 2007, when the iPhone first went on sale, and Mr Forstall recounted the animosity behind its creation at an event at the Computer History Museum in Silicon Valley last week, his first such interview since leaving Apple in 2012.
触摸屏时代开始于10年前的2007年6月29日,当时苹果刚刚开始销售iPhone。福斯托上周在硅谷“计算机历史博物馆”(Computer History Museum)举行的一场活动中,谈到了iPhone问世背后的这种敌意,这是他自2012年离开苹果后首次接受此类采访。
Before the iPhone was a phone, it was a tablet and the touchscreen technology that would later find its way into the iPad began as a secret research project commissioned by Jobs, Mr Forstall recalled.
The offending Microsoft employee, who was a friend of a friend of Jobs, had been bragging about the software company’s new tablet computer, which used a stylus for input. “Anytime Steve had any social interaction with that guy, he came back just pissed off,” he said.
After one such weekend encounter, Jobs arrived at Apple on a Monday morning fuming: “Let’s show them how it’s really done.”
Microsoft were “idiots”, Mr Forstall recalled Jobs saying. “You don’t use a stylus . . . You are born with 10 styluses.”
Apple went on to sell more than 1bn iPhones, making it one of the most successful consumer products of all time and propelling the company to record-breaking profits. Mobile industry commentator Horace Dediu has estimated that iOS devices and apps will together have generated over $1tn in revenues for Apple by the end of 2017.
自那以来苹果销售了逾10亿部iPhone,使其成为历史上最为成功的消费产品之一,并推动公司实现创纪录的利润。移动行业分析师霍勒斯•德迪乌(Horace Dediu)估计,到2017年年底,iOS设备及应用加起来将会为苹果贡献逾1万亿美元的累计收入。
Yet despite the urgency with which Jobs instigated the development of what would become the iPhone’s multi-touch technology, the project languished for several years.
It was revived only when Jobs, looking to head off looming competition to the then-dominant iPod music player, suggested touch technology would make mobile phones less “angsty” to use.
In the mid-2000s, when the Motorola Razr became a bestseller, traditional phone manufacturers such as Nokia were being “incremental”, said Hugo Fiennes, another former Apple engineer who spoke at the Computer History Museum’s event. “At Apple there was no holding back.”
另一位苹果前工程师雨果•费因斯(Hugo Fiennes)在计算机历史博物馆的会议上表示,在2005年前后摩托罗拉(Motorola)的“剃刀”(Razr)热销的时候,诺基亚(Nokia)等传统的手机制造商表现出“步子太慢”,而那时“苹果已全力投入新产品的研发”。
Development of the iPhone was famously secretive. Employees working on “Project Purple” were not even allowed to tell their families what they were creating. Teams working on different elements of the device were unaware of what each other were doing. Mr Fiennes, who was part of the team working on multitouch hardware, said the first time he saw the resulting software features such as “pinch to zoom” was when Jobs unveiled it at the iPhone’s launch event.
Mr Forstall had no experience in telecoms before working on the project and had never sent a text message before doing so on an iPhone. Yet despite this, Apple considered buying its own mobile spectrum or becoming a “virtual” mobile network operator, reselling another telecoms provider’s services under its brand, he said. Ultimately the company decided to partner with AT&T to distribute the device.
“Of course [all the secrecy] was an impediment,” said Nitin Ganatra, who was director of engineering for iOS applications until he left Apple in 2012. “But at the same time, there was so much value there as well, by having this secret . . . Nobody knew what was coming.”
在2012年离开苹果前担任iOS应用程序工程总监的尼廷•加纳特拉(Nitin Ganatra)表示:“当然(保密)是障碍。但与此同时,保密也是很有价值的……没有人知道我们会推出什么全新产品。”
The iPhone’s timing turned out to be good, with internet services such as YouTube and Google Maps on the rise and the emergence of affordable mobile data contracts. The iPhone really began to fulfil its potential in 2008 when, despite Jobs’ initial reluctance to allow software from outside Apple to run on the device, the App Store made its debut.
事实证明,iPhone发布恰逢其时,YouTube和谷歌地图(Google Maps)等互联网服务日益增多,同时还出现了价格适中的移动数据合同。2008年App Store开张后,iPhone真正开始实现其潜力,尽管乔布斯最初不愿允许苹果以外的软件在iPhone上运行。
The iPhone redefined what a mobile device could do, prompting countless imitators (and more than a few lawsuits by Apple as a result). The iPhone now accounts for about two-thirds of Apple’s revenues and an even larger share of the mobile industry's entire profits.
While Mr Forstall admitted that pricing “was a challenge” — the upfront cost of the device had to be cut by $200 just a few months after it went on sale — he never had any doubt it would be “huge”.
“Using it, it never felt like work,” he said. “And I knew, this is it — everything is going to behave this way.”