Back then, the founding chairman of China Vanke, the country’s most valuable property company, could look back on an almost 30-year career with few regrets. In addition to building one of China’s most admired corporate brands, he had attained an almost rock-star-like popular following for his personal exploits, which have included summiting the highest mountains on all seven continents and trekking to both the North and South poles.
那时的王石,作为中国最有价值的房地产公司万科(China Vanke)的创始人兼董事长,回顾近30年的职业生涯,几乎可以毫无遗憾。除了创建了中国最受尊敬的企业品牌之一,他还以个人壮举——包括成功登上七大洲最高峰,以及徒步抵达北极点和南极点——赢得了摇滚明星一般的大众支持。
Uniquely among his China Inc peers, Mr Wang built a business that could not be slotted neatly into either the state or private spheres. While Vanke’s shareholders included large state and private-sector enterprises, until late 2015 none held more than 12 per cent of the company and all were content to let Mr Wang’s management team run it as they saw fit.
Last week Mr Wang, 66, confirmed that he would be leaving Vanke, whose shareholder register now includes a state-owned mass transit group with a 29 per cent stake: Shenzhen Metro, which builds and operates subway systems, will henceforth be Vanke’s dominant owner.
上周,66岁的王石证实自己将离开万科。万科现在的股东名册包括持股29%的国有轨道交通集团深圳地铁(Shenzhen Metro),这家主营建设和运营地铁系统的集团今后将成为万科占主导地位的股东。
Vanke’s journey from management-led champion to de facto ward of the state in less than two years was, for Mr Wang, the best of some pretty bad options. He had been on the verge of having to surrender control of his company to an upstart rival who he dismissed as a “barbarian”. But for a corporate boss who appeared to revel in his reputation as a maverick, it is a humbling outcome.
It is also an outcome that demonstrates, for all the Chinese government’s talk of giving market forces an ever freer hand in the world’s second-largest economy, the still very real limits of Beijing’s tolerance. Vanke is a listed company operating in a sector that is not considered particularly “strategic”, compared to telecommunications or energy. Its shares should be worth whatever a willing buyer is prepared to pay for them. But when just such a buyer emerged intent on acquiring control of Vanke, government regulators decided to intervene.
The disappointing denouement of Mr Wang’s career began in the second half of 2015 with the appearance of a then 44-year-old nemesis, Yao Zhenhua, who was as little known as Vanke’s chairman was famous. Mr Yao’s Baoneng Group acquired more than 20 per cent of Vanke’s shares. It was the most dramatic hostile takeover ever attempted in corporate China. In just three weeks in December 2015, Vanke’s share price shot up 71 per cent.
王石职业生涯的结局令人失望,这一切始于2015年下半年一位强硬对手的出现,当时44岁的姚振华还远远不如王石那样有名。姚振华的宝能集团(Baoneng Group)收购了万科20%以上股份。这是中国企业史上最戏剧性的敌意收购尝试。万科股价在2015年12月的短短三周内上涨了71%。
Like Vanke, Baoneng is based in Shenzhen, the special economic zone bordering Hong Kong, and began life as a property developer. That is where the similarities between the two groups and their warring chairmen end. Vanke stuck to its core business. Baoneng diversified, most notably into the insurance sector, where looser regulations were allowing asset managers to raise enormous sums of money. In the four years through 2015, the premium income of Baoneng’s insurance arm soared 30-fold, from Rmb272m ($38m) to Rmb78bn.
Mr Yao also kept a tight grip on his group. Baoneng’s wealth was his wealth, which the Hurun Report estimated at $1.9bn in 2015 and $17.2bn just a year later.
姚振华也牢牢把持着他的集团。宝能的财富就是他个人的财富,《胡润百富榜》(Hurun Report)估计,2015年姚振华个人财富为19亿美元,而仅一年后就达到172亿美元。
Mr Wang never parlayed his position as Vanke’s founding chairman into a sizeable — let alone controlling — stake as its business took off in the 1990s. Had he done so, he would have become one of China’s biggest billionaires. So when Mr Yao decided to take a run at Vanke, Mr Wang could only resort to rhetoric and politics. He dismissed Baoneng as “barbarians” and sought government protection.
Vanke’s fate hung in the balance for a year until December 2016, when China’s securities regulator borrowed Mr Wang’s “barbarian” rhetoric in criticising highly leveraged insurance companies and their hunger for acquisitions at home and abroad. Luckily for Mr Wang, his interests had dovetailed with the government’s growing concern about the financial risks building in the insurance industry. Mr Yao was subsequently banned from the sector for alleged violations by Baoneng’s insurance unit, and Shenzhen Metro paid $9.4bn to acquire its blocking stake in Vanke.
In the end, Mr Wang got the politics right. Unfortunately for his legacy, he will be remembered as much for that as for the business he built.