被罢免的巴基斯坦总理纳瓦兹•谢里夫(Nawaz Sharif,见上图)已开始准备让弟弟夏巴兹•谢里夫(Shehbaz Sharif)成为自己的继任者,此前一天,纳瓦兹•谢里夫因围绕其成年子女的长期腐败丑闻而被迫卸任。
Shehbaz Sharif, who has served as chief minister of the politically important Punjab state since 2013, will have to resign from his post, and win a seat in the country’s National Assembly before he can assume his elder brother’s mantle as premier — a process that will take at least 45 days.
In the interim, Mr Sharif’s Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz party has agreed that Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, a former petroleum minister and staunch loyalist of the Sharif family, should serve as interim prime minister for about two months.
在此期间,巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟谢里夫派(Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz)已经同意,由前石油部长、谢里夫家族的忠实支持者沙希德•哈坎•阿巴西(Shahid Khaqan Abbasi)担任约两个月的过渡总理。
Minutes after Mr Sharif announced the nominations of Shehbaz Sharif to succeed him as the next prime minister and Mr Abbasi as interim prime minister for about two months, Mr Abbasi told journalists: “The verdict [by the Supreme Court] has no support among the people. There are no cracks within our party”.
Mr Sharif’s party, which still has a comfortable majority in parliament, has moved swiftly to ensure continuity and a smooth transition, a day after the Supreme Court disqualified Mr Sharif from his office, after he was “not honest” in an asset declaration form filed during his 2013 election campaign.
The highly personalised party, which has revolved around Mr Sharif and his family, will also have to move swiftly too as it prepares for what is likely to be a vicious battle for survival in the country’s national elections next year.
“They want to keep power in the family and possibly lay the ground for succession by a younger generation,” says Hasan Askari Rizvi, a Pakistani political commentator.
巴基斯坦政治评论员哈桑•阿斯塔里•里兹维(Hasan Askari Rizvi)表示:“他们希望将权力留在家族内部,可能还会为年轻一代继承者打下基础。”
In his first remarks since his dismissal, Nawaz Sharif addressed members of parliament from PML-N on Saturday: “My conscience is clear. I have never been involved in corruption. I ask you to support me in building this nation of ours.
“Only one family is being targeted for accountability,” he added. “So much time has been wasted on the Panama leaks matter. Since 2013 we have broken the back of militancy: 70-80 per cent of militancy has been eliminated.”
With Mr Sharif disqualified and facing criminal corruption charges, his family’s financial affairs are likely to remain at the front of Pakistan’s political agenda as the party battles a rival party led by charismatic cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan.
谢里夫被取消资格且面临腐败刑事指控,他的家族的财务问题有可能继续被列在巴基斯坦政治议程的较高位置。该党正与伊姆兰汗(Imran Khan)领导的一个对立政党展开角力。曾是板球运动员的伊姆兰汗是一位富有个人魅力的政治人士。
Mr Khan is demanding further disclosures of the wealth of the family, whose late patriarch, Mian Muhammad Sharif, arrived in the newly independent Pakistan as a refugee from India, and went on to found a big business empire.
伊姆兰汗要求进一步公开谢里夫家族财富。谢里夫家族的第一代前辈米安•穆罕默德•谢里夫(Mian Muhammad Sharif)当年是从印度投奔刚独立的巴基斯坦的逃难者,后来建立起了一个庞大的商业帝国。
“Going forward, the new PM will face an election mode from day one. And it’s going to be a very tough job, with the opposition constantly demanding a full disclosure of the family’s wealth,” a senior member of the PML-N told the FT on conditions of anonymity.
Shebhaz Sharif is widely expected to be replaced as Punjab’s chief minister by his own son, Hamza Sharif, a 42-year-old member of the national assembly, an appointment that would ensure that the province remains under the family’s control.
外界普遍预计,接替夏巴兹•谢里夫担任旁遮普省首席部长的将是他的儿子,42岁的国会议员哈姆扎•谢里夫(Hamza Sharif),这项任命将确保旁遮普省继续由谢里夫家庭控制。