Housekeepers and nannies line up at a domestic service job fair in Ningbo, Zhejiang province, in February.[Photo provided to China Daily]
Last month, for the first time in the local industry's history, the Shanghai Changning District Homemaking Service Association released a 50-item code of conduct for housekeepers and nannies.
上海出的新规针对的是家政服务员(domestic workers),俗称保姆(nanny)。不符合规定的将被认定为“黑保姆”。这些“黑保姆”评判标准包括有犯罪记录(having a criminal record),履历和健康证、上岗证、身份证等作假(providing employers with false information, such as on resumes, health records or fake ID cards),为涨工资而违约(break a contract to secure a pay rise),向雇主借款(ask to borrow money from employers)等。
新入职保姆必须有当地派出所出具的无犯罪记录证明(proof of a clean criminal record via documents issued by the police department of their home region)。
二孩政策的实施和人口老龄化的加剧促成了保姆市场的繁荣。然而震惊全国的“6.22”保姆纵火案的背后折射出了保姆市场的混乱、行业管理的滞后。业内人士建议大家选择可靠的家政机构,因为他们选用员工都有试用期(probation period)。此外,业内人士也不建议人们从网上找保姆(looking for a domestic worker online),因为很多网站都不会去核实求职者的信息(verify the job seeker's information)。