Legal Daily on Wednesday generated wide public attention with a report about a loophole in Baidu digital mapping service that was exploited by underground entertainment venues involved in prostitution. The venues registered "points of interest" on the maps using false information, the report said.
上文提到的points of interest(兴趣点)简称POI,指导航地图数据中每个位置点的具体信息,包含四方面信息,名称、类别、经度纬度、附近的酒店饭店商铺等信息。也可以叫作point of information,即“信息点”。电子地图上一般用气泡图标来表示POI,像电子地图上的景点、政府机构、公司、商场、饭馆等,都是POI。
组织卖淫嫖娼(organizing prostitution)在中国是犯罪行为,依据刑法,组织他人卖淫或者强迫他人卖淫的(those who recruit, hire, lure or force people to provide sexual services),将被判处五年以上徒刑(subject to five years to life in prison)。
依据刑法,卖淫、嫖娼者(anyone who hires a prostitute or who offers sex services)最多可被判处十五日拘留(15 days' detention)和五千元罚款(a fine of up to 5,000 yuan)。
为了避开警方抓捕,地下色情场所(underground entertainment venues involved in prostitution)在百度地图上注册的地址都是虚假信息,只有手机号码是真实的。当客人打这个手机号码时,他们才会提供真实的色情服务地址。
百度地图9日发布声明称,已第一时间展开全面核查(carried out thorough examination),将可疑POI全部下线(removed all the POIs in question)。
媒体指出,百度地图对涉嫌发布招嫖信息的不法分子提供的,不止是地图基础性标注服务,而且还有商业性的推广服务,也就是排名优化(search optimization)。