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    I know people in various lines of corporate work who have each accumulated air miles above the value of the average house in England. That is £235,000. One of them cannot remember the last time he paid for a flight. These are not the gods of finance who score a million miles a year. They are, in the main, salaried professionals who shuttle around to serve clients.


    In the course of their travels, they will also rack up hotel loyalty points that, like the miles, are incurred on their employers’ tab but theirs to keep. One has a colleague sitting on almost two million points with a particular hotel chain after a prolonged stay in one of its grand establishments in Asia.


    Look around one of those lavish but not very interesting restaurants in the middle of London, New York, Toronto, Singapore, Hong Kong, or any one of the cities that together define the world economy. There is some diligent expensing at work, often aimed at the capture and retention of clients for banks, law firms and consultancies.


    And, yes, the media has its own culture of perks, as do politicians, as do diplomats. But the largest international businesses operate on another level of consumption. Airlines compete to be their preferred flyer and, when a deal is agreed, the benefits cascade to staff. At one point, a friend of mine acquired an Air France gold card having never been on an Air France flight in his life.

    是的,媒体有自己的补贴文化,政客们也是,外交官们亦然。但全球最大的那些跨国企业其消费水平却完全在另一个层面上。航空公司竞相投他们所好,一旦达成了一项交易,员工就会得到大把好处。有一次,我的一个朋友得到了一张法国航空(Air France)的金卡,而他从没坐过法航的飞机。

    The secret of this new age of the city state, is that it runs on other people’s money. There is a class of workers who can live above their means (as defined by their salaries) by leaning on miles, points, expenses and other supplements. There is a class of restaurant, bar, hotel and airline that could not survive in its present form without this tapestry of indirect income.


    The word that recurs in the discourse about these cities is “postmodern”. They hold little to be fixed or sacred. They allow themselves to be remade by outsiders. They cultivate an Anglophone jet set who feel more at ease in a dozen or so world centres than in the hinterlands of their own countries. Well, nothing is more postmodern than a disconnection between income and expenditure. There is a curious feeling of weightlessness in a business class lounge or big city restaurant — of people liberated to savour the pleasures at hand by the redirection of the bill to some faceless third party.


    This urban secret need not be a dirty one. It is within the law and the UK’s Bribery Act and America’s Sarbanes-Oxley Act have tightened up that law. If there are victims, they tend not to be obvious candidates for pity. Shareholders, perhaps, though the outgoings in question are often real costs of doing business. It is, in all but name, part of the remuneration package.

    这一奥秘未必是肮脏的。它并未超出法律允许的范畴,英国《反贿赂法案》(Bribery Act)和美国《萨班斯•奥克斯利法案》(Sarbanes-Oxley Act)已经收紧了相关法律条款。即便有受害者,也没有哪一方特别值得同情。股东们也许值得同情,但上述支出往往是他们做生意的实际成本。实际上,它们是员工薪酬待遇的一部分。

    At any rate, the justice of the system may be less interesting than its scale. It leaves these cities vulnerable to a change in corporate culture. If companies restrict their staff benefits — by retaining miles and points, say — a whole dimension of the entertainment economy would wither. One friend saw his company’s 12-month spend in a single restaurant. The number had seven digits.


    More than that, the balance of power within cities would tilt from the corporate to the bohemian. The perk culture leads to an over-allocation of resources to expensive but generic urban entertainment: the boilerplate restaurant, the five-star chain hotel, the convenient city centre.


    This has less to do with any innate philistinism than a rational avoidance of risk when schmoozing clients, who might not take to that new Serbo-Chilean basement bar in Dalston. On a weeknight, areas such as Knightsbridge survive on this middle-of-the-road traffic.


    The offbeat quarters of town, meanwhile, would carry on as they are. They already attract people who pay out of their own pockets. It is the outwardly opulent centre, where prices tend to exceed quality, or at least imagination, that is fragile. In a world of newly frugal companies, the East End might outlast Mayfair — or anywhere that counts on free money.


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